I think that the hibernating time is almost behind us. Soon the Spring show season will be here.
DH and i were checking over the possible 'show buns' to see what we might have. Honestly, after the Winter we've had... they are in a bit rougher shape than i had hoped. Everybunny is Solid feeling...just without the 'conditioned' feel that it takes to pull off a win. And of Course... everybunny was Not terribly happy about being handled after the lay-off.
Would anyone care to share their 'tips and secrets' for getting their crew back into Show Shape ??
DH and i were checking over the possible 'show buns' to see what we might have. Honestly, after the Winter we've had... they are in a bit rougher shape than i had hoped. Everybunny is Solid feeling...just without the 'conditioned' feel that it takes to pull off a win. And of Course... everybunny was Not terribly happy about being handled after the lay-off.
Would anyone care to share their 'tips and secrets' for getting their crew back into Show Shape ??