Possible Split Penis in 11mo old buck *UPDATE*

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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So, here are some pics of it...it doesn't look like the typical split, it's like the penis is turning inside out.

This is just a bit of pressure

More pressure

Full amount of pressure used to normally extend penis

It looks like a young buck, but he is 11mos old... :hmm:
It looks painful :(

Could he have been trying to get the job done at the wrong end and gotten nipped?
Bad Habit":14ed5gk0 said:
It looks painful :(

Could he have been trying to get the job done at the wrong end and gotten nipped?

Nope, not painful...it isn't a wound. That is just the way it looks... :shock: He has never been bred either...
I had a litter only about six weeks old and had to separate one male because it took to attacking (trying to bite bits off) his siblings...so it might have happened and just healed looking like that :/
Odd. :?

I would introduce him to a doe (wearing a chastity belt ;) ) and see if the penis extends normally.
well nuts... D: so if you have a buck that looks very similar to those pics and about 5 months old.. stick a doe in with a buck a few moments (definitely not enough to breed, like just a few humps haha) and pull him out and check him and the penis is extended BUT it doesn't look "whole" and looks more like a long thin straw with part of the bottom snipped away... that's split penis?
MamaSheepdog":ov3ttxnw said:
Odd. :?

I would introduce him to a doe (wearing a chastity belt ;) ) and see if the penis extends normally.

I will give it a try, because he is a very handsome guy and I don't want to dispatch him if I don't need to.
OneAcreFarm":uckut8o7 said:
MamaSheepdog":uckut8o7 said:
Odd. :?

I would introduce him to a doe (wearing a chastity belt ;) ) and see if the penis extends normally.

I will give it a try, because he is a very handsome guy and I don't want to dispatch him if I don't need to.

Don't forget to bring the camera in case he has an abnormality!* :p

*Hoping for the best of course, but intrigued by the possibility of him being not-quite-right. ;)
So, I checked him again, just to see if I needed to go ahead and butcher him, and LO AND BEHOLD!!!!!


:strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad:
OneAcreFarm":1ujsgndp said:
So, I checked him again, just to see if I needed to go ahead and butcher him, and LO AND BEHOLD!!!!!


:strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad:
this is the strangest forum I've ever been on

.... Congrats..... ? :shock:
CochinBrahmaLover":qjok9lhb said:
OneAcreFarm":qjok9lhb said:
So, I checked him again, just to see if I needed to go ahead and butcher him, and LO AND BEHOLD!!!!!


:strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad:
this is the strangest forum I've ever been on

.... Congrats..... ? :shock:

You ain't seen nuthin'. :twisted:

And yes... :congratulations:

Although I admit I'm a little disappointed, from a purely scientific standpoint, of course. ;)
MamaSheepdog":1negqbwe said:
CochinBrahmaLover":1negqbwe said:
OneAcreFarm":1negqbwe said:
So, I checked him again, just to see if I needed to go ahead and butcher him, and LO AND BEHOLD!!!!!


:strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad: :strongbad:
this is the strangest forum I've ever been on

.... Congrats..... ? :shock:

You ain't seen nuthin'. :twisted:

And yes... :congratulations:

Although I admit I'm a little disappointed, from a purely scientific standpoint, of course. ;)
You mean you guys do worse things than celebrate a buck having a penis? :runhills:

Well, whilst I'm in the spirit, :congratulations:
CochinBrahmaLover, did you SEE the pics I posted earlier in the thread where I thought he might have a split penis? There was NO actual penis that protruded when I sexed him at 11mos. He is a LOVELY boy in every way, size, color, type and fur. I really hated the thought that I would have to butcher him or that I had some kind of Split Penis genes going on in my herd. So, needless to say, I was really excited to see it make an appearance! LOL
Well, I don't commonly check out my boys penis so I wasn't sure what exactly I was supposed to be seeing... LOL.

Well, least you didn't have to butcher him! :)
How do you know its a boy or that he doesn't have a split penis if you don't ever look? :shock:

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