Possible Aborted Kits?

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Lindsay Krawsczyn

Rabbit Breeder
May 2, 2024
Reaction score
Meigs County, OH
So, I have a Californian doe that I’m expecting a litter from 1st/2nd of June. I’m placing nest boxes tomorrow, but I’ve been gone over the weekend. When I left Thursday everything was pretty normal and fine, however I got back today and checked on the rabbits to find two strange kinda fleshy looking red things dried to the cage floor. I had someone watching them over the weekend. I took a picture, although it’s not super good. I’m worried these may be aborted kits, however they don’t seem kit shaped enough. Would have had to have happened at 23-26 days.


(please don’t mind the mess, barn is old and in need of a very through clean up. We’ve been using it to house rabbits non-stop for three generations of my family now)
at that stage they should have bones...if you do a closer inspection it may help sort it out? alternatively could be placenta and the kits were consumed?
I did look at them closer, no bones so probably not aborted kits then. Maybe she did abort them and eat the kits or something? I’m not sure though, I’ve never known her to be very fast to eat a dead litter as her last one was and all the kits were intact when I found them. Then again, I’m pretty sure it was rather shortly after she gave birth as she hadn’t cleaned herself up yet.