Please help with Sulmet

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Mar 23, 2014
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I was wonder if anyone can help me. I know you can do 1cc per 2.2 lbs for 5 days on a rabbit. But what about 8 week old babies? Can I do it that way or do I need to do 2tsp per gallon of water. Is Sulmet safe for 8 week old babies????? I have looked everywhere online and not getting anywhere.
I recently had a young rabbit die and when I opened him his liver had lots of white spots. I have also seen several of my does with messy sitting boards so I decided to stop putting my head in the sand [I had rationalized that all rabbits seem to carry cocci] and realized that I needed to treat my whole herd. I am using Sulfadimethoxine [sold by lambert vet supply as Di-Methox by the gallon. Best price I could find] I am putting 2 TBSP/ gal in ALL water. I have been treating for a week. Everyone is drinking it and they will receive it for 10 days. So far so good.
The concentrated Sulmet (Albon) for dogs (Rx only - is a yellow, pepperminty and sticky liquid) is to be given at 0.5 cc per 1 pound weight for first dose then 0.25 cc per 1 pound weight for 9 more days; with the youngest kits ( 4 weeks or less) I used a 1 cc dropper and gave 1/4 dropper per kit

The big gallon jug of Sulmet you buy at the feed store can be added to the water at 30cc per gallon for first run then 15 cc per gallon for consecutive runs and given for 10 to 14 days

Repeat treatment should be intiated 14 days after first treatment

When rabbits are on 6th or 7th day of treatment, move them into sanitized cages if at all possible, or remove them temporarily from their surroundings and sanitize by scrubbing away debris, then saturating with a strong ammonia solution. Allow the ammonia to dry and then rinse.

Soak nestboxes in a strong ammonia solution overnight, then allow to dry and soak again in water and rinse and dry

Clean watter bottles, nipple valves, resting matts, etc in ammonia as well

I dilute the cheap lemon scented ammonia cleaner at 1 part cleaner to 4 parts water

If you have had a severe outbreak of coccidiosis, you may need to do a third treatment and/ or prophylactiacally treat weanlings at weaning time.

Good luck. I find that too strong of a concentration of the sulmet causes loose stools, difficult birthings, and smaller litters in the does. But it is important to treat all of your rabbits at the same time, regardless of their gestational stage or age, due to the pernicious nature of coccidiosis. If you start to see loose stools, reduce the concentration by a small amount (about 5 cc per gallon reduction or 10% reduction in the oral bolus solution for canines) and feed more hay.