Placing a bunny Outside in October in new jersey

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Oct 17, 2013
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New jersey
I'm gonna start building a hutch this week, I'm gonna try to build two 2 hole hutchs or one 4 hole hutch... I found some bunnys 2 months old, they are bunnys that were born inside, I wanna keep out side... Any tips or tricks... If you have photos or ideas please post... Temps really haven't been to bad this year, night drop has been in the 40s
I kept quite a few outside last year. It was harder on me than them. Keep em dry, and out of the wind. I had the stacker tarped all around, with screening fabric over the front during the night and on very windy, snowy days.
It really depends on what type of rabbits you're getting. If they are a small breed they may only weigh 1 pound at 8 weeks, but a large breed can weight over 4 pounds. Because they are babies I would definitely have an enclosed house area where they can get out if the wind and have a dry draft free area.

Once they are grown you can remove or modify this house if they will weight more than 6 pounds as they will handle the cold much better than smaller rabbits.

My 10 pound meat rabbits just need to be kept dry and out of the wind in the winter time.

I always kept my Netherland Dwarfs in pairs or trios so they could huddle togeather for warmth. Even as adults a smaller breed will need a well insulated house area and lots of straw bedding, they will eat hay and poop in the house area, but some rabbits will even eat straw unfortunately and will need the house area cleaned regularly to keep it dry.
I'm getting holland lops... So for now I think I'll just build a hutch with a wind door and have a small pen and house the females together until spring
Hollands will be very small at 8 weeks. If possible I would keep them in the house and slowly get them use to the cold by putting them outside for an hour each day and working up to 24 hours. As babies they wont have much body fat and i doubt they will have developed a winter coat and would worry about them getting a chill.