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The last comment caught my attention
According to the USDA, in 2000 Americans spent between $7 and $8 million on rabbit meat but a whopping $612 million on pet supplies and care for their hopping furry friends.

I wonder how much of that figure is made up of bottles, cages, supplies, and feed for rabbits people raise TO EAT. :roll:

Rabbit meat will never be too large of an industry, unless they make it illegal for us to raise them ourselves.
I just don't think I could ever eat rabbit meat. They are just too stinking cute and sweet to eat....... at least to me.

But I am a extremely small-bit curious about what it might taste like? If you say "Chicken" then why even bother, just eat a chicken then!!! I can wrap my mind around eating chicken. :)

So, without being gross, can anyone tell me what it really tastes like? :?:
Yup. Chicken doesnt taste like pork. As my sister said the first rabbit i cooked "its like my mouth cant decide if its chicken or pork"... lol which led to conversation about what a chicken and pig cross would look like and what you would call it ;)

jimmywalt":3jb7o2po said:
I just don't think I could ever eat rabbit meat. They are just too stinking cute and sweet to eat....... at least to me.

But I am a extremely small-bit curious about what it might taste like? If you say "Chicken" then why even bother, just eat a chicken then!!! I can wrap my mind around eating chicken. :)

So, without being gross, can anyone tell me what it really tastes like? :?:

I can see where your coming from. I have a much loved house pet bunny too.
Her names is Mucky, and she is all kinds of adorable.

It must be really strange to find out many of us seem to really love our bunnies, but also raise some for meat. :shock:

It took me a while to get used to the idea. It's probably even stranger if I say I love the meat rabbits too.

The rabbit VS chicken issue isn't just a matter of taste for me.
I have some egg laying hens, but wouldn't really be able to raise my own meat chickens in town.
Even if I could, I wouldn't. Rabbits are quieter, tend to carry less dangerous bacteria, and I find rabbits to be a lot less smelly and nasty to work with at processing time than chickens are.

Here's a thread with some of our other reasons for choosing rabbits: all-the-great-reasons-to-raise-rabbits-for-meat-t21808.html

Well, on to the actual question. :D

They have a very mild flavor, children usually like it right away if it's prepared well. It can be easy to over season.

They lack whatever flavor is in poultry that I dislike, and sometimes when we're making sausage or ground rabbit it can taste a bit like pork.

The bones also make a wonderful soup stock that isn't really anything like chicken stock. Mild, but good.
I find the texture to be more like chicken used to be when I was younger. Like when I cull someone's young cockerals the meat has a lot more texture than chicken from the store. I wouldn't say it was anything like beef.
Some days I debate moving out of the US.

Not all rabbits are sweet... My first butcher was renamed Demon Rabbit. Now chinchillas I can't quite bring myself to butcher. Even the insane one. They are just so nonconfrontational and aside from the insane one communicate better than the dogs sometimes. We're not sure what was up with that one. The other chinchillas didn't know what was up with him either. You know it's not just misunderstanding by humans when the rest of the species go :? or :x at an individual. Still I'd buy chinchilla fur stuff if it was more common and cheaper. I wonder if all the rest of the chinchilla animal from the fur industry goes to waste since people don't want to buy dog food that says "chinchilla meal" on the label.
People tend to bring up chicken, because it's probably the closest meat in flavor to rabbit. But as the others have said, rabbit doesn't taste exactly "like chicken". It tastes about as much like alligator as it does chicken. It is still a mild-flavored meat, but the texture is more dense, and the flavor is deeper and more complex. You can use rabbit in most chicken recipes, though.

Even as similar as the flavors are, there are reasons for raising meat rabbits instead of meat chickens, or buying rabbit meat instead of chicken.

Many, many places have ordinances disallowing chickens, or more than three chickens, etc. Few have similar ordinances against rabbits, and since rabbits are typically very quiet, it is much, much easier to have a stealth rabbitry than a stealth coop. Rabbit meat is higher in protein and lower in fat than chicken, and is one of the most easily-digested meats out there -- it is better digested than chicken by some.

I think alligator tastes more like chicken than rabbit does, personally. :chef: I'm not interested in raising alligators for meat in my yard, though. :x
I think the texture is more like white turkey meat. The fat, especially the suet from around the kidneys, is amazingly sweet. At least, when it's from young animals.I agree that the stock is quite different from chicken stock, somehow meatier.
jimmywalt":1fczkjyb said:
I just don't think I could ever eat rabbit meat. They are just too stinking cute and sweet to eat...
I have a buck that would more than cure you of that thought process. He's nice as can be, loves to be petted and has sired some very nice kits. Pick me up and I turn into the Tasmanian Devil on steroids, a.k.a. The Slasher! You end up with a 14#, 4 wheel drive 200MPH rabbit in your arms and I'm here to tell you, it HURTS! :x
I do eat rabbit.. it is close to eating chicken. I can tell the difference .. but I have fooled a few people .. and they thought it was chicken and it wasn't.. Including my husband , as I couldn't get him to eat any and now he will.. people cant put there mind around it .. if you are not raised on rabbit .. then some have a hard time with eating it.. I will not eat fertile eggs.... some people say I am crazy.. but I cant wrap my brain around that one.. I have laying hens with no rooster with them.
I was looking for an actual news article to show my husband and found there's a group dedicated to stopping the use of dog and cat meat in Korea. Apparently altering our country and cultures is not enough. Shouldn't we not eat things like cow then if we are going to get picky about cultures like that or does it only apply to the US and they should eat cow instead?
Local radio station talked about these folks protesting Whole Foods. Here in the Midwest, most folks still have some concept of "livestock" so they didn't spend a lot of time on it. Part of the discussion on the radio talked about Whole Foods' requirements of the rabbit breeders / suppliers. I found them to be contradictory...

Rabbits have to be cage-free and allowed to move about among other rabbits and eat and drink freely. At the same time, does are limited to only a certain number of pregnancies per year rather than being bred "back-to-back".

I've been breeding rabbits for years and I just can't figure out how you'd limit pregnancies if the rabbits are allowed to roam about freely with all their buddies? The only thing I've come up with is that they must have different rules for the breeding stock than they do for those rabbits that will be harvested.

Anybody know? I'm so confused. :x

BTW - I don't consider pet snot to be food!
Have a doe pen and a buck pen and put each doe with a buck in a breeding area. Bucks can get along just fine in many breeds if introd and penned properly. It's also best to let them cool down for awhile before putting them back if you use them for breeding outside their colony. Putting the weaned bucks with the adult buck can also reduce chances of problems while still keeping them with other rabbits. There may though be some exceptions in place. Aside from keeping the bucks separate they might be allowed to pull pregnant does to cages or individual pens for kindling. There are often exceptions to what they tell people about a meat raising operation. That's why some labels on meat and eggs are worthless.
SuburbanHomesteader":2w8doazp said:
BTW - I don't consider pet snot to be food!

You're too funny!!!
I had to ponder that one for a while. That subject line came from the protesters signs. Maybe someone should point that out to them. :p <br /><br /> __________ Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:50 am __________ <br /><br />
jimmywalt said:
But I am a extremely small-bit curious about what it might taste like? If you say "Chicken" then why even bother, just eat a chicken then!!! I can wrap my mind around eating chicken. :)

Several reasons:
I can raise rabbit meat for about 1/3 the cost of a chicken and I can process 5 rabbits in the time it takes me to process one chicken.
I like the rabbit manure better than the chicken manure.
Chickens are stinky nasty creatures when growing out, rabbits are generally quite clean and pleasant.
Rabbits are fun to cross and see what appears, chickens are just blah.

However, I actually prefer chicken to rabbit and if everything else were equal, I would raise more chicken. Chicken broth is certainly more appealing than bland rabbit broth.

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