...people confuse me sometimes.

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
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Western Michigan
So I was asking around on another site about Mini Rex does for sale.

Someone messaged me and we talked a little and she told me about this great doe she has. She's asking $200 for the doe though, which is a little out of my price range. I apologize and tell her that.

And then she says oh, but she's not for sale anyways so that's okay. :?

.................lol OK then...I'm so, so confused. :lol:
You're confused? Steer clear of her in the future, as well! Why respond to a potential buyer by stating a sale price for something you don't intend to sell? Soooo not cool!
She's now offering a doe in my price range, but...while this doe is very nice, I just don't think she'll pair well with my buck. I need amazing hindquarters and hers aren't a whole lot better than his are. I'm not sure how to tell this person that it isn't what I'm looking for. Plus she's a broken with a LOT of white...any less color and I'd think she's a charlie. :x I'm kind of looking for a solid doe so I get a nice blend of solids and brokens from my buck.

I feel like maybe I'm too nice, lol. :x
Kyle@theHeathertoft":1731tqd0 said:
She's now offering a doe in my price range, but...while this doe is very nice, I just don't think she'll pair well with my buck. I need amazing hindquarters and hers aren't a whole lot better than his are. I'm not sure how to tell this person that it isn't what I'm looking for.
Just tell her, "I don't think she will pair well with my buck. Thanks anyway!" Not sure what her deal is. . .
Yes, you're being too nice. Remember your goals, and remind yourself you don't need to buy that rabbit just to make her feel good (because that rabbit certainly wouldn't help you, and would just be an unproductive addition). Just tell her you really appreciate the offer, but that you are looking for very specific traits, and this doe would not take your program in the direction you want to go. :)

You don't need to deal with her... just remember how strange she's already been.
She sounds like a teen who, when you tell them the price is too much or you can't pay, they change their story to 'not available' so their feelings won't get hurt.
And $200 for a Mini Rex, they are $25-80 here. =/
Who are you talking about? Is she a MI breeder. Cause if I'm thinking of who your talking about they do that all the time, it's annoying. I'm going to be honest you can find some amazing mini rex for way less then $200. I just bought a Castor jr doe for $75.

And just say, " Thanks but that's not really what I'm looking for right now. Good luck she's a really nice doe. "

I like to say no but still make people feel good about themselves.
I dont think you should ever pay 200$ for a mini rex. Even if its the best one ever... Any of my rabbits would be for sale if someone was willing to pay 200$!
Yeah I admit I wouldn't pay $200 for a Mini Rex...I have seen some awesome ones for a lot less than that.

I replied with something like "She's really great but I don't think she'll pair well with my buck, thanks anyways!" I think that's the end of it. :)

Though...I've also gotten some nasty notes from others in reply to my inquiry. Apparently being new to a breed and new to showing is an unforgivable sin. :roll: And then people wonder why they can't get new people interested in their breed...!

I dunno, maybe I got spoiled by how nice all the Champagne people I've talked to have been. They seemed super-happy that a new person loves their breed, lol.
Kyle@theHeathertoft":2fy84ito said:
Yeah I admit I wouldn't pay $200 for a Mini Rex...I have seen some awesome ones for a lot less than that.

I replied with something like "She's really great but I don't think she'll pair well with my buck, thanks anyways!" I think that's the end of it. :)

Though...I've also gotten some nasty notes from others in reply to my inquiry. Apparently being new to a breed and new to showing is an unforgivable sin. :roll: And then people wonder why they can't get new people interested in their breed...!

I dunno, maybe I got spoiled by how nice all the Champagne people I've talked to have been. They seemed super-happy that a new person loves their breed, lol.

I found the same thing with lionheads... Some people are super rude, and give me insane prices that I have no hopes of affording, but others are super nice. I have one woman who's offered me free pedigree babies when she comes up this way to visit her family next.

Also, I've done that. Someone's inquired after a kit I intend to keep, and I stated an insanely high price that I didn't think they'd pay, but I would be happy to accept. When they said the price is too high, I politely said "yeah, I wouldn't pay that either, but that's the least I could accept for that one without kicking myself about it later! :)" Everything is for sale at the right price, it's just a question if someone is willing to pay that price or not!
I just had a similarly confusing conversation with a breeder yesterday. Still looking for a Cali buck, I called this breeder whose name I got from another breeder whose name I got from the lady breeding some NZs for me...yeah. So I tell him I am wanting a Cali of breeding age. All he has are younger ones and one that is old and missed and didn't produce a single litter last breeding. Okay, so he then goes on to tell me about his NZs and how he has 2 that are of breeding age, but one he hasn't tried yet, blah blah blah. When I started asking about the NZs, he told me they weren't for sale because he needed them. Well, why on earth was he telling me about them, then?!?
Mini Rex are such a popular and competitive breed that I think you will run into a lot of uppity breeders, unfortunately.

The fanciers of less popular breeds are much more willing to help newbies and promote the breed. They want more competition on the tables, so they are much more willing to help out.

I would state in your initial communication the traits you are looking to improve, and the colors you are willing to consider. Good luck finding your doe! :clover: Maybe you will find her at the upcoming show. :p Bring extra carriers!
LOL well I blew my rabbit budget on a pair of does...one of which is amazing and I have high hopes for her on the show table! I had set my budget and promised myself I wouldn't go over it, and I really HAD hoped for three does on that budget, but...the blue doe is worth the cost of two rabbits. She's not just pedigreed but also already registered, and has won BOV twice already. I have to admit, I've never spent THAT MUCH on a single rabbit...but worth it. And NOWHERE NEAR $200, LOL!!!

I'm actually getting kind of excited about the colors, too...I didn't have a clear idea of what I wanted before...now I do. Blue eyed whites, blues, and broken blues. :D My broken castor MIGHT have dilute in him...he may have had chocolates and blues behind him, but his breeder didn't keep track very well so no idea for sure. :roll: Either way, I want to try and hold back a pair of buck kits, one from each doe, to breed back to each respective doe...and then I think my broken castor can evolve into a pet, lol. He's nicely put together but now I can hopefully breed nicer. ;)

LOL sorry, I'm rambling. ;) Haha, I hijack my own thread. ;)
Some people like to talk...but that's no excuse for their behavior.

Mini Rex competition is as bad as Holland Lops or worse in some areas. Better known breeders and lines have been worked and proven, they're not going to be cheap. If you want a really nice example, you're going to pay for what you get. Although, can still find some pretty nice show worthy ones for under $100.00...but I've not seen any thing that's nationally competitive sell for that price.
Well that's cool, I don't think I'm ever going to be super-successful and have champions upon champions, or compete on a national level. For me, this is just a passtime. ;) The real goal is to have healthy, happy stock that is as correct as I can get on my limited funds. ;) Unemployed 30-something college student here, LOL.

Besides, if the nasty attitude of some of the people who've messaged me is any indication...I don't think I WANT to get too deep into MR showing. I'll attend a handful of shows in driving distance each year, and as I will conduct myself with dignity and kindness to all around me, I will consider it a success whether I win or lose. :D

Something I think some of those unpleasant people have forgotten: wherever you go, whatever you do...you are an ambassador for your breed, for rabbit showing in general, and if you are a member, the ARBA itself. There is no excuse for rude or unkind behavior!

The gal who is selling me the blue is an example of a really nice person. She knows I'm super-new to all this and has offered to give me advice and help if I need it. She's encouraging me to show the blue and maybe see if I can get a leg or two on her. She's been kind and encouraging, and is willing to send a really good rabbit to a "newbie." That says a lot to me. :) Hopefully someday, if someone new needs help or is looking for foundation stock of their own, I can show them the same kindness she's showing me. IMO, that is how to grow the fancy and grow the breed. National competitiveness optional. ;)

But that is also just my opinion. YMMV. :)
We're not all bad!! :p everyone has to start somewhere :D Not sure if you have been on the Ultimate Mini Rex page on FB but there are MANY nice breeders there. Wishing you many future champions!!!
Thanks! :) I just looked that group up and requested to join. :D

I know not all are bad, I've just been a little put off by the sheer amount of rudeness I've encountered thus far. :angry: I get it, they are trying to show how allmighty big and important they are, belittling the new guy, whatever. :roll: I'm in this to have fun and I adore MR, so...they can all just go eat cake for all I care. :)

It has almost been entertaining to see them get all bent out of shape over the stupidest stuff. One gal tried to tell me I shouldn't breed BEWs because I will never win so why try? LOL I didn't even respond to her pm, I don't even feel the need to tell her that winning isn't everything.

Granted, winning can be FUN but it isn't the be-all, end-all!!! ;)

BTW if you are on FB, feel free to look me up sometime. :) http://www.facebook.com/kyle.lawrence.507
Sent you a request, you can check out my daughters FB Rabbitry page....Snapshot Rabbitry, we try to be fair and are still learning....we are a work in progress :D