Penny is solid, redish color. Buckaroo is solid brown (chocolate?). I've looked buckaroo allllll over his body and cannot find a white spot... So? Who is hiding the gene?
Drats, found one of the darker babies dead today. 8 babies left.<br /><br />__________ Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:16 pm __________<br /><br />Nest full of babies:
And the "cute" one. I can't tell yet if there is red in there or not....
I've seen this before in other posts on this site. You appear to be talking about pictures in your posts. I don't see anything. Is there some sort of filter that only allows certain people to see the pics?
Some pics you can only see if you are logged into the site.
If the pics are uploaded to this site, and inserted into a post,
then if you are not logged in, then you cannot view those pics.
I can see all the pics in this thread even if I am not logged in.
And by looking at the properties of each, I see they are not
uploaded to this site. Maybe the other site was down when the
pics were viewed.