garden lady
Well-known member
Do rabbits even like pellets? Do they eat them just because they are hungry? All this is confusing to me. I go out and they act like they are starving to death. If I put oatmeal in they are attacking the door and putting their head in the bowl before I can get it poured. Same with vegetables, greens, fruit, and I think they even like their hay better than pellets. I am not sure it is the brand or what. When they are really hungry the pellets are gone, but like Lulu, she is hungry and I gave her the pellets and she took her feet and pushed the bowl backwards towards the opening where the babies are. Other than not wanting pellets, all I can see is she is giving it to the kits :thinking: They are not that smart are they? Snickers dumped his. The others eat it like if that is all there is I will eat it. It could be the Purina Professional. They are happy when I pull grass and weeds. In the morning they eat herbs. They like their BOSS.