Pedigree-making newbie questions

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Well-known member
May 24, 2012
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I have the pedigrees on the parents and know how to use Photoshop and Word so I can just copy the info I have on their ancestors...
But what do I need to do to fill out the kit's pedigree? It would be something like this, right?


But could Ear# and Weight be blank at time of sale and the rabbit still be pedigreed? I don't have a way of tattooing yet and obviously they're kits so weighing wouldn't be accurate yet either. :lol:

Also I still need to fill out the weight on the parent's. I heard that 5.5 would mean 5lb 5oz rather than 5 and a half pounds. Is that correct?
You don't put in the weight until the are seniors (6 to 8 months)

If you are not selling them tattooed then leave this blank as well

I cannot help on 5.5 meaning 5 pounds 5 ounces :shrug:
Here is a link for a free pedigree template: as long as you have a printer you should be ok with this.

-- Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:53 am --

If you need them tattoo'd you could check the arba for a registrar close to you who could tattoo them for you for a cost. <br /><br /> -- Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:53 am -- <br /><br /> Just incase you are interested in a cheap tattoo set ... -in-outfit - We have the Grand Champion 2 from bass but, thought I'd throw that out there. :)
Silvercloud, how are those used? Do you just set up the digits needed, then smear ink across them then pinch it into the ear?
When we used a clamp tattoo before we got our tattoo pen, we put the numbers and letters in, pinched the ear and then worked the ink into the holes with a toothbrush. You can then smear some bag balm on the surface to help keep the ink in. I prefer my tattoo pen. It may take longer to tattoo them but I personally think that they are more legible when done with the pens and stay legible longer instead of fading.
I find a true record keeping program to be so worth it, even in -or should I say especially in - our small, beginning stages of raising rabbits! By keeping accurate records from the start on kindling patterns, numbers, breeding pairs that worked well/were not good, etc. it has helped me learn soooo much!! The ease of filling pedigrees is just a small part of what it does. All but one breeder we have purchased from uses the same program so I importing new animals as literally been a couple of mouse clicks instead of entering each animal on the pedigree. I know your original post wasn't about using a pedigree program but I would recommend you strongly consider it; we use the deluxe version of Evans and the genetics feature has also been well worth it!

As far as the info, please be sure you include adult weights on all the rabbits listed. In Evans, there are several different options for listing weight, one is in pounds and that shows weights in decimals, such as 5.5. I use the option that is pounds and ounces and it prints the weights as 5#8. I do know some people use the decimal as lbs.oz but it is confusing and since there is so much room for error/interpretation (not to mention it is just wrong mathematically), I prefer to use the #. JMHO!
5.5lbs is not 5 and 1/2 lbs if done like ARBA register does on forms/GC. The correct notation would be 5.08 for 5 and 1/2 bls otherwise it reads 5lbs and 50 oz....

Otherwise, what you would have is correct. Leaving weight blank until senior is okay, but I wouldn't leave the ear number blank. That's just my opinion though. I've gotten to where I tattoo any thing that leaves, pet/meat/brood/show, as if it comes back or some one calls I want to be able to see proof (even though I know some can fade, I usually don't have that issue). No tattoo = no record for me.

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