Palpating Questions.

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
So I've done nothing, but read about palpating rabbits. I also read to it is good to practice on a buck to get see what an open doe would feel like. So I palpated my boys, haha. It for sure felt pretty open. I tried on one of does that I bred. It's still a few days early from the 10-14 day mark, but I couldn't wait. I noticed that the does mid sections were a lot larger, and tighter feeling. I'm not sure I felt any grapes sized things, or not, but again they felt just... fuller, maybe?

Any more tips for me to make sure I get this right?
Becca":1e7conoa said:
I noticed that the does mid sections were a lot larger, and tighter feeling.

They need to relax. Your fingers should nearly touch one another when you palpate.

Becca":1e7conoa said:
I'm not sure I felt any grapes sized things

They are very distinctive when you find them! Give it another try in a couple of days. :)
Thank you! I'm sure they're all sick of being poked at, haha. Sat Oct, 3rd marks day 10 for the first doe I bred so I will be checking her again soon. My boys are super relaxed all the time. The girls on the other hand are always a pain in the rear. Non of them like to be messed with. They're not aggressive, they just won't sit still!! Haha.
I tried palpating mine again today. I feel nothing. I've tried rebreeding them all and they growl at the buck so they at least think they are bred.

I'm not so sure. It's still within the time frame the buck good be heat sterile so I guess we'll see. If my girls aren't bred this time I'm going to have to put them on a diet. :lol:
Me too! I tried palpating mine and just suck at it, but these girls are looking chubby! I can feel their backbone but if they aren't pregnant they are definitely gaining weight.....
So I just tired again, and the first doe, idk. Maybe she's over weight? Her tummy is just so solid feeling, and round! The other 2 does I was able to get a better feel on them, and while I still didn't feel anything that would make me think they're pregnant at least I can feel them well enough to feel their insides.... If that doesn't make me sound too weird? :shock: Haha.
EnglishSpot":py4zowpo said:
Practice. And guessing. And more practice. Some folks have a knack for it, some of us don't. (me)
(me too)

The easiest rabbit for me to palpate was a mini rex.
The silverfox and crosses were quite difficult for me.

I haven't even tried with the harlequins yet. :oops:

I can usually tell by behavior when a rabbit is ready to breed, and if I breed when they give me their cues, and they lift easily, I can reasonably assume they are bred.
With my does they didn't want it at first, but after time they gave in. The buck covered all 3 does 4 times each, I gave them a day of rest then tried to breed them again, and the buck wasn't interested. So I'm guessing he felt like he got them.

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