Well-known member
I have a problem with a potential solution, but I need some genetic peoples' opinions first.
I raise American Chins and Palominos but am having a God-awful time finding breeding stock. I'm looking into crossbreeding, but don't want to ruin the color. Back when I raised Harlequins, I wanted to introduce some black New Zealand into my Japanese to darken nail color and improve type. I talked to a judge about it and he told me that once they are 3/4 Harlequin (or the desired breed) and meet the SOP, they can be put on the show table as Harlequin (or desired breed). I definitely will be completely disclosing any potential buyers regarding the crossbreeding in any sold rabbits' background, eating any off-colored offspring, and will NOT sell F1 crosses.
So, these are my plans, correct me if they aren't going to work. Keep in mind that I DO NOT SPEAK ALPHABET SOUP.
I was given two lovely black Californian does. I have a very handsome AmChin buck. Cal + Chin = Chin?
A very generous breeder of Red New Zealands is willing to provide me with some Red NZ does. Is Golden (also known as Cream or Fawn in other breeds) a dilute of Red? Will it screw up my Golden color? He has given me a Golden colored NZ already that cropped up in his Red program.
I raise American Chins and Palominos but am having a God-awful time finding breeding stock. I'm looking into crossbreeding, but don't want to ruin the color. Back when I raised Harlequins, I wanted to introduce some black New Zealand into my Japanese to darken nail color and improve type. I talked to a judge about it and he told me that once they are 3/4 Harlequin (or the desired breed) and meet the SOP, they can be put on the show table as Harlequin (or desired breed). I definitely will be completely disclosing any potential buyers regarding the crossbreeding in any sold rabbits' background, eating any off-colored offspring, and will NOT sell F1 crosses.
So, these are my plans, correct me if they aren't going to work. Keep in mind that I DO NOT SPEAK ALPHABET SOUP.
I was given two lovely black Californian does. I have a very handsome AmChin buck. Cal + Chin = Chin?
A very generous breeder of Red New Zealands is willing to provide me with some Red NZ does. Is Golden (also known as Cream or Fawn in other breeds) a dilute of Red? Will it screw up my Golden color? He has given me a Golden colored NZ already that cropped up in his Red program.