Our Beveran doe died Saturday :(

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Well-known member
May 30, 2012
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Our doe was due on Wednesday. She had a great nest she built, was doing great and then that morning the neighbors dogs decided to jump against the hutch and snap at her. I scared them off almost immediately but she was hopping like crazy trying to avoid them.

Afterwards, she sat in a corner facing the walls. She didn't appear hurt but it wasn't until the afternoon I managed to get her to come and stay towards the front of the hutch, her normal spot. SHe continued to act weird from that point forward.

Her condition became worse, by Saturday her eyes were slits sometimes and she just looked like something was really wrong. She wasn't laying down at all, only sitting or laying but it was more an upright sit/lay if that makes sense? Never a resting on the side position.

We were getting ready to bring her inside (had just finished getting the cage all arranged with bowls, water bottle when she just died. No babies were in the canal, we think she tore something when she was avoiding the dogs. Until now, completely healthy.

I am really discouraged with the beverans. This was the first litter since we got them 9 months ago or so. She was from top lines, her sire a convention winner. Out of all the rabbits we were all most attached to her so it has been a sad weekend for us.
Poor thing! :(

I am so sorry to hear of your loss.

Can you block the dog's access to your yard, or at least put a fence around the rabbit area to prevent them from getting that close again?
Thanks everyone.

We are fencing that side of the property in this spring/summer. It all depends when dh can take a couple weeks off. He is still down in NC and at this point he is only home 1 or 2 weekends a month.

We bought some fencing this weekend that I will start putting up on the property line, that is closest to the hutches. The beveran buck is the only one out there currently. Our other beveran doe is inside because she had an ear infection which developed into wry neck. SHe is recovered but at this point I think I am keeping her inside.

Good idea to rig something up to keep the dogs a little further away. DH wanted to move the beveran buck to where the mini rexes are but we have a new litter out there and another does who is due this week and I didn't want them being disturbed. The beveran buck seems a little sad to be by himself.

The mini rexes are in an enclosed screened porch so they are protected. We have 3 acres and it is just the one side in the back that isn't fenced any longer.
Very sorry for your loss. That is so sad. I'm sorry your having such a hard time with the Beverens, hope the 2 that are left feel better soon.
Oh, man, that bites! As for the dog, whether your yard is fenced or not, it is the dog owner's responsibility to keep their dog contained, so I would be knocking on their door and telling them they owe you the cost of the doe and the litter she was pregnant with. At the very least, call your local animal control and file a report with them.
I put up some wire fencing around the perimeter of the hutch (total is 15 ft long) so if the dogs come over, they can not get close to the hutch. I just don't want anything to happen to my only beveran buck. I added some toys, a ball and gave him some extra veggies. Seemed to cheer him up a little. My 11 yr old is out talking to him now, to keep him company.

THe shame of this is that I do like my neighbor except for her inattention to her dogs in the morning and evening. Except for that they are the perfect neighbors. I will have a conversation with her about the beveran and her dogs coming over.

We had a talk last year and it frustrates me because she thinks that since she loves her dogs so much that everyone must love them. She complained about her dogs rolling in rabbit droppings last fall. Wanted me to clean under hutches daily so her dogs wouldn't come home smelly. I already clean 2x a week. I mentioned at that point that the 2 yr twins step in her dogs' poop in my yard and that scraping poop out of a 2 yr olds sneakers was not a fun task and that perhaps the easy solution was for her dogs to stay in their own yard. She said the previous owner always fed treats and it would be nearly impossible to keep them out of the yard. Ironically, I caught her dogs rolling in droppings but it was in the compost area, not near the hutches.

I think the fence will be the best solution. Just have to find time to buy and install.
Bless your heart. Its a shame your neighbor is so narrow minded with her dogs. She needs to wake up and start being more considerate of the people her dogs come in contact with. Good luck, I hope your neighbor hears you this time. She's lucky to have you as her neighbor, there are alot of people who would never have been as kind as you to her and most especially the dogs. The sad part is its another case of bad dog owner, not bad dogs. You shouldn't have to clean your kids shoes or build a fence.
AmysMacdog":e21sf0vg said:
Bless your heart. Its a shame your neighbor is so narrow minded with her dogs. She needs to wake up and start being more considerate of the people her dogs come in contact with. Good luck, I hope your neighbor hears you this time. She's lucky to have you as her neighbor, there are alot of people who would never have been as kind as you to her and most especially the dogs. The sad part is its another case of bad dog owner, not bad dogs. You shouldn't have to clean your kids shoes or build a fence.

That is the ironic thing. Her dogs are beautifully trained, as long as she is out, she has complete control. Actually, her border collie is well behaved even when unsupervised but the other 2 dogs take complete advantage of no one watching them.

Her one dog I would pts. It is dog aggressive and can be people/kid aggressive. It has bitten her husband 3 times and her friend has been bitten twice. No one filed any reports and apparently the friend claimed she didn't know the dog that bit her.

In the morning, I check outside before taking our dog out. We have a Lab that is just a mush. Even if the neighbors dog comes running, snarling at her she wags her tail wanting to play. She almost was biten when we first bought the house, I hauled the dog off and our Lab was just confused that another dog wasn't playing so I am very careful since ours will not even stand up for herself.

I am paranoid careful with the 2 yr old twins. The 11 yr old has been dragged to enough shows, obedience competitions and herding trials with me that he reads dog body language well and knows when to just back away or stay still. My neighbor will hold her dog's muzzle (while it is snarling) and tell the twins to go ahead and pet the dog. That she has to get used to them. I don't allow it and was very firm last year with letting her know that if the dog growls, snarls or gives any warning I want my kids to respect that, not think it is ok to pet or advance on the dog at that time. And, at that point, the dog must go home. The liability worries me with the dogs in my yard. I think I will be very relieved once a fence is up and I no longer have to worry about rabbits or kids and her dogs.
Ooooh, you didn't mention that 2 of the dogs are actual menaces. I would practice some avoidance deterrance such as pepper spraying the dogs when you catch them on your property. It won't hurt the dog any more than it does a person, but it definitely makes even the most ferocious dog turn tail and run home!!!! If they are a danger to your children, I would most definitely file a report with the local animal control and document the continuance of the danger and lack of effective response from the owner.

I am sorry to say IMHO that she is disrespecting you and your property in a very rude and dangerous manner.
If you still have the does body your neighbor might need visual evidence to understand. Deliver the doe along with a bill. I also would get very strong with her on keeping her dogs on her property. Let her know that you think highly of her as a neighbor except for her dogs. That you do not feel safe for you or children and do not want to have to contact animal control. Your animals and children are in danger when those dogs are out. Maybe you should find out if you can spray them with something nasty whenever they are on your property.
We had a rabbit funeral for her. Probably a little silly since part of me picking the beverans was for meat, but she was supposed to be a breeder/pet so we gave her a funeral. Kids picked the few flowers that have come up and some magnolias that bloomed Saturday. Unfortunately it was pitch black out but it felt right to bury her back in Narnia (thats what the kids call the woods in the back).

This weekend dh and I are going to go over and have a conversation with her about her dogs. DH is in the Army and after we bought this house they revoked orders and did new orders for NC so that is why he is there and I am here with kids. He is much more direct, I am much more tactful so together we balance each other out. :)

I am feeling calmer now and have my thoughts together better. It actually helped writing it here and then reading it and all of you who responded with your opinions. Sometimes it helps for another perspective.

I will let all of you know how it goes this weekend.
LauraNJ":helzslui said:
Her one dog I would pts. It is dog aggressive and can be people/kid aggressive. I am paranoid careful with the 2 yr old twins.

Oh dear!

That makes a world of difference. It is tragic enough to lose an animal, but the risk of harm to your children is inexcusable.

I hope your meeting goes well this weekend. :clover:

Until then, keep your precious babies safe.
It wasn't silly at all. Good for the kids and you. I get attached to my breeders too. It hurts to lose one. What happened to your doe was very sad and unexpected. It gave you and the kids some closure together. It was so sweet they got magnolia flowers for her.
Best wishes for you and your DH this weekend when you go talk to the neighbor, hope all goes well.
I would kill her dogs and make them disapear. Sounds horrible but if I had twin toddlers and the woman was too stupid to realize her dogs were a menace thats justification enough for me. Kids come first. I know your in Jersey so shooting isn't an option but there are other ways to kill dogs, even if you just catch them and take them to be euthenized in another state. I know it sounds like I'm the neighbor from hell but I mind my own business, keep my dogs and animals on my own property, am respectful and helpful when its needed and I expect the same from others. I'm also a rabid mother bear when it comes to my kids. I probably wouldn't even mention the rabbit to her, I'd bide my time and take care of the situation when the hubba came home.