Only one!!!!!

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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One day I will have something positive to post, but not today.

Today was grooming day for the Angora buck. He cleaned up real nice, without the same fuss his brother did.

But then I went to clip his parts, and there was only one.

Really. One large testicle.

Now we all know that rabbits can pull the little guys back up, but usually there are scrotal sacs that you can see. He did not have a scrotal sac on the right side. In fact, the whole area was smooth, and I felt around for the opening, and extra scrotal skin, but found nothing. Just felt meat and bone.

I've had this happen in a little or dogs, just never rabbits. Gosh. I am almost down to a manageable herd, and now I have another bun you can't be bred or shown. I'm trying to decide if his worth as a wooler outweighs his uselessness in the breeding program.
Technically you can still breed him. You just risk passing on the genetics for cryptorchidism. When I was a kid my grandma assumed the horse couldn't breed but we ended up with 3 foals from a crypto stallion. 2 stud colts that had normal testes, including 1 that when on to breed and only produced normal colts, and 1 filly. Was an awesome filly even if she was a cross to an amish "mutt" pony and couldn't be registered. One of the best horses I've ever worked with.
akane":yaqcuf9y said:
Technically you can still breed him. You just risk passing on the genetics for cryptorchidism.

Now you know I would never do a thing like that, lol.

I've culled because the wool wasn't right, digging in pellets, escaping cages, growled at me, face too narrow... etc, I'd definitely cull (or not breed) for something that is a definite show DQ and hereditary.
Bummer. :(

If you have the space, keep him at least until he gets some coat back and you can tan his fuzzy pelt.

Are you going to risk breeding his brother?
MamaSheepdog":3f9cr4aw said:
Bummer. :(

If you have the space, keep him at least until he gets some coat back and you can tan his fuzzy pelt.

Are you going to risk breeding his brother?

That is the question.

Since I have no doe, he was bred to the SF for meat culls and so I would not have an open doe while my life plays out (no SF buck). There is no reason for those kits to be introduced into any breeding program here.

If I don't breed him, then that means I only have one usable Angora buck, and I'm feeding two rabbits that are essentially culls and I can't do that. It's not like the wool I get from them brings in any money, so it's not enough to keep him a s a wooler.

I'm thinking about it in dog terms. When a dog comes up with one testicle, we don't neuter the sire or dam and pet out the whole litter. Just that one is altered.
skysthelimit":3gq0tqgd said:
I'm thinking about it in dog terms. When a dog comes up with one testicle, we don't neuter the sire or dam and pet out the whole litter. Just that one is altered.

Hmm. :hmm: Well, that makes me wonder how heritable it really is then.

Why don't you test breed Mr. Uno-testicle for a meat litter and see what happens? Just to slake my curiosity? :p
MamaSheepdog":11uy9ecw said:
skysthelimit":11uy9ecw said:
I'm thinking about it in dog terms. When a dog comes up with one testicle, we don't neuter the sire or dam and pet out the whole litter. Just that one is altered.

Hmm. :hmm: Well, that makes me wonder how heritable it really is then.

Why don't you test breed Mr. Uno-testicle for a meat litter and see what happens? Just to slake my curiosity? :p

Hmm, can do.
But there is a probability that with only one, he may not be fertile. Hard to say.

My believe my dog lines carry monorchism. I know the sire of my male Chopper has produced them, and he is one of the all time living or dead German Shepherd sires. Then Chopper sired a dog that had only one, but this puppy was the one the owners took out as an 8 week old and let it run around the neighborhood, and it came down with parvo. That might have been the issue. It doesn't seem to be a one on one thing.
MamaSheepdog":h438jigu said:
skysthelimit":h438jigu said:
I'm thinking about it in dog terms. When a dog comes up with one testicle, we don't neuter the sire or dam and pet out the whole litter. Just that one is altered.

Hmm. :hmm: Well, that makes me wonder how heritable it really is then.

Why don't you test breed Mr. Uno-testicle for a meat litter and see what happens? Just to slake my curiosity? :p

That's what I was thinking too .... until I started this post and realized the bottom line.

If its a genetic deformation there would only be a 25% chance that he would pass on that gene.

Problem is that it would likely be a recessive gene (Much like Rex fur) ... and you wouldn't know a carrier from a non carrier without the results popping up down the line.

Better not to breed this guy if its genetic. If its an injury , that's another discussion.
Ramjet":3p73fzgu said:
That's what I was thinking too .... until I started this post and realized the bottom line.

If its a genetic deformation there would only be a 25% chance that he would pass on that gene.

Problem is that it would likely be a recessive gene (Much like Rex fur) ... and you wouldn't know a carrier from a non carrier without the results popping up down the line.

Better not to breed this guy if its genetic. If its an injury , that's another discussion.

Every gene has a 50% chance of being passed on from parent to offspring.
As to his fertility, I wouldn't be so quick to assume he may be sterile. The JW buck I rescued had one normal testicle, and one that was a quarter the size of the other. I though he'd be sterile, so I tried to breed the pair to check viability. Figured if it worked I would only end up with a couple babies by taking into consideration the small dwarf litter and the peanut gene.

Momma had 9. Only one peanut. Man was I scrambling to find them homes as soon as they weaned! :p
MamaSheepdog":1hlaysgk said:
skysthelimit":1hlaysgk said:
I'm thinking about it in dog terms. When a dog comes up with one testicle, we don't neuter the sire or dam and pet out the whole litter. Just that one is altered.

Hmm. :hmm: Well, that makes me wonder how heritable it really is then.

I think dogs are just considered too valuable to do something like that.

For example, how many dog breeds are known to be loaded with genetic defects?
Zass":2hcvmc80 said:
MamaSheepdog":2hcvmc80 said:
skysthelimit":2hcvmc80 said:
I'm thinking about it in dog terms. When a dog comes up with one testicle, we don't neuter the sire or dam and pet out the whole litter. Just that one is altered.

Hmm. :hmm: Well, that makes me wonder how heritable it really is then.

I think dogs are just considered too valuable to do something like that.

For example, how many dog breeds are known to be loaded with genetic defects?

Pretty much all of them .... Mutts , not so much.
So true.

there is no way to know if he is sterile, or if he is a true monorchid, or a cryptorchid.

Genetically, his fully equipped brother could be a carrier as well.

Unless he chewed it off himself, he was by himself before he reached the age of descent, not likely accidental in cause.
skysthelimit":or5jejt3 said:
So true.

there is no way to know if he is sterile, or if he is a true monorchid, or a cryptorchid.

Genetically, his fully equipped brother could be a carrier as well.

Unless he chewed it off himself, he was by himself before he reached the age of descent, not likely accidental in cause.

If you have the cage space and patience to raise his offspring to breeding age and then the offspring of that generation to age of decent , you could experiment ... but that's an awful lot of effort and you still might not know for certain.

If it were my decision , I'd procrastinate .... give him some time and see if the other shoe drops. :popcorn:
Ramjet":3v6acqzq said:
If it were my decision , I'd procrastinate .... give him some time and see if the other shoe drops. :popcorn:

He's already 8 mos old.
I already have buns that don't drop til 6 mos, I don't want to have a line that doesn't have both till a year later :shock:

The concern is there is no scrotal sac, and there is usually a scrotal sac there starting somewhere around 10-14 weeks. The area is smooth. Only having one descended is a problem, but having no sign that the other one had any thought of appearing is disturbing.

He can hang around for a little while longer, lol, since that just means he'll grow fiber to shear while I wait.
Food is the issue though, since I've cut down my herd to be able to feed them while I look for a job. Don't want anymore pointless mouths to feed.

Not knowing is a pain, I hold very high standards for my rabbits. But if I cull him, I can look then I will know for sure.
Sagebrush":2l8b3uuk said:
What if both testies are on the one side? It happened with one of my moms rabbits way back when. I do not remember if there was a sac on the other side that was empty or not though. Was almost 20 years ago. :oops:

That had occurred to me, because it's one really big testicle, the biggest I've ever seen.

I'll move it around and see if it separates.
Whoa! Now that would be too strange!

If there are two in there, I bet he would go heat sterile a lot faster than a normal buck because of the added heat in the sac. I'd also be concerned about the spermatic cords getting twisted with one another.
MamaSheepdog":376yzgpp said:
I'd also be concerned about the spermatic cords getting twisted with one another.

That sounds ouchy. :x I'll just cull him.

Down to two Angoras now. :cry: Geez.

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