One ton Mix.

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
plattsburg, missouri
I'm still thinking about that pellet machine... :x

I casually mentioned it to my buyer and he about flipped!
All of a sudden, I was mixing/making pellets for pasture hogs
and range-grown, cornish/cross chickens.

WHOA....UP...WAIT....A....MINUTE....BUDDY! :eek:

I'm just "thinking" about it, right now.
I don't jump into a pond without knowing
how deep it is....first!

I've trolled the internet for hours and CANNOT find a mix
broken down to percentages/pounds to make up one ton of feed.
All of you natural feeders have a better handle on what goes
into a good diet for rabbits. All I've got is that little tag
on the butt-end of the feed bag to go by. IT'S PITIFUL!

They 'say' the first indgredient listed makes the largest percentage
in the bag of feed. Since last fall, none of them list alfalfa!
It ain't even third or fourth on the list! Something's not right.

Would anyone venture their opinion on what goes into 2000 pounds of feed?
It would sure be helpful if you'd try. I've got alfalfa down as first
on my list. What percentage should it be? Percentage meaning pounds per hundred/weight.
Living in the midwest, I'm not completely sure if some additions would be available to me.

"Grain-byproducts" What da heck is dat? :cry:
Weird mumbo-jumbo bull-biscuits that don't mean SPIT to me.
What is it? How much is it? Where can I buy it?
Do I want to buy it? Should I even consider it?

GEEZ........this old man needs some help!
I'll be the first to admit when I don't know a flippin'
thing about what goes into a GOOD rabbit pellet.
I know which brands to avoid and which ones are good!
That's the extent of my dietary requirement's knowledge.

There is one thing I know for a fact:
Rabbit pellets are produced with the cheapest available
products, allowing the largest profit available to the producer.

In my opinion...that ain't good for a rabbit.
Only someone's pocketbook. And it ain't mine! :x

A link would be nice! (hint-hint)

i'll have to dig up my old small livestock book that had feed mix recipes in it for different animals and post em to here. i'm interested to see what others might be able to tell!
Grumpy, I wish I lived closer to you, I'd go in on this pellet machine with you in a heart beat, just to be able to make my own pellets from more natural ingredients. Hubby would love to have one here for our own use too.

Curious if in all your research, if there was any feedback on how well the pellets hold together, and keep there shape? I just wonder if there would be alot of fines like commercial pellets.
fuzzy9":2kez3qfn said:
Grumpy, I wish I lived closer to you, I'd go in on this pellet machine with you in a heart beat, just to be able to make my own pellets from more natural ingredients. Hubby would love to have one here for our own use too.

Curious if in all your research, if there was any feedback on how well the pellets hold together, and keep there shape? I just wonder if there would be alot of fines like commercial pellets.

One thing about fines, if you've got a pellet machine..
You can 'recycle' them.