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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2012
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So, a few months ago my husband and I started discussing building a rabbitry. Shortly after that, he found a bunch of metal tubing at work and brought it home. It had been used as a commercial display for sinks. After we took it apart, it looked like this:


Now, it looks like this:


This is our new buck pen (hence the blue :) ) It's two holes 42 x 30 x 18. To be added to it is a hidey box in each hole.

Next up is our doe pen, which will be the same, with the addition of baby saver wire.

After that will be our grow out pen, which will be the same but will be built on a frame so it can be transported. Also, the divider will be removable.

I love my hubby!
Very, very nice job! I love the big doors, and the face of it is so very symmetrical which appeals to my OCD side.

Well done, hubby! :clap2:



it looks so...

empty. :weep:
Ya DOES look empty! I will work on that soon. I promise.

And will provide pics as soon as I do :)
hmm, just Where in Virginia are you-- i may have to vissit my daughter, drive by ya, and steal a couple cages,,,
wowzer. nice, will the does pen be painted pink??

it looks like it could withstand anything mother nature could throw at it.
what a great way to repurpose.
Frosted Rabbits- we are...somewhere in Virginia :p No cage stealing, please. But if you come our way, bring friends- the cage is HEAVY.

CWD- of course, the doe cage will be pink! And the growout cage will be purple! Purple for popples.

Hubby says thanks to everyone for the kind words. He also says that after these cages, he is going out of the least for a while.
Oh, I wanted to thank someone here for the slant board idea. I grabbed it and have to say that after some testing, I love it. It works really well and should make clean up easier.

I like having the hay handy. I will be putting feed and supplies under the doe cage, and nest boxes, etc., under the grow out cage.

Now I just have to get some rabbits :) I wasn't able to go to Nationals as I had hoped, but I hope to have new buns soon.
Way to go, Hubby! :hooray!

What a great setup!

Baby saver wire! :eek: Oh no! I forgot to put some on Crystal's cage, and she's got three-day-old popples! Have to do tomorrow!!!!!
That is fatastic! Your dh did an awesome job!

Can't wait to see the pink and purple one!