Okay, it's official! I'm now old!

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Either that or you are in a rut... I think you need to get yourself some goslings! :mrgreen:

MSD: not just your average enabler of Rabbitosis! Geese are fair game too. :)
MaggieJ":4cilpn2e said:
Seems like everything I have been reading here on RabbitTalk today has brought back memories... and I have been shamelessly reminiscing! That's gotta be a sign of old age.
I LIKE being OLD. It has a lot of benefits, besides the shameless reminiscing... :)
There is a lot of liberation in getting there... a lot of us finally stop being concerned about what others think about us, or what they think about most things.
It's a time to really realize that's never really been our business anyway ;)
More time to play with the babies... kits, kids, lambs, gosling, ducklings...what a blessed life! :pancake:
caroline":kxri1g6z said:
MaggieJ":kxri1g6z said:
Seems like everything I have been reading here on RabbitTalk today has brought back memories... and I have been shamelessly reminiscing! That's gotta be a sign of old age.
I LIKE being OLD. It has a lot of benefits, besides the shameless reminiscing... :)
There is a lot of liberation in getting there... a lot of us finally stop being concerned about what others think about us, or what they think about most things.
It's a time to really realize that's never really been our business anyway ;)
More time to play with the babies... kits, kids, lambs, gosling, ducklings...what a blessed life! :pancake:

.............yeah except 31 year old Kyle wants to go back in time, grab 15 year old Kyle by the shirt/shoulders, shake violently and scream "GET OVER IT NOBODY CARES SO SHUT UP AND JOG ON" possibly with a black eye involved or something to get the point across. :roll: Classic case of "wish I knew then..."

But yeah, reminiscing is awesome. :D And when one becomes wise, one can actually do it at any age. ;)
Kyle@theHeathertoft":2on3j3pt said:
:D And when one becomes wise, one can actually do it at any age. ;)
Yeah, but no one recognized that you are wise until you are old. Sometimes when I talk about things, people look at me like I'm not old enough to know my own mind. Well I'm not sure how old I look, but I'm old enough to remember Reagan clearly, so I'm not 21 anymore.
skysthelimit":8luewx58 said:
Kyle@theHeathertoft":8luewx58 said:
:D And when one becomes wise, one can actually do it at any age. ;)
Yeah, but no one recognized that you are wise until you are old. Sometimes when I talk about things, people look at me like I'm not old enough to know my own mind. Well I'm not sure how old I look, but I'm old enough to remember Reagan clearly, so I'm not 21 anymore.

My problem is, I also know plenty of old people..............who are not wise. :p

Mutually exclusive, lol. ;)
I just turned 24 on the 15th and feel so old physically, mentally I feel 17 forever. =D
But, animal babies will always make you feel better! =p
What it is, I think, is a sense that as we age, we have all these memories and bits of family culture and know that when we die it will all be lost unless we pass it on somehow. I always loved my mother's stories of her childhood ("Mom? Tell me about when your were a little girl.") and although my paternal grandmother was endlessly recounting stories of her youth, which I did not always love, I value now what I remember. Family stories are important... and should be passed down. My son, David (MidnightCoder) gets a fair bit of these memories tossed at him these days... and he is very patient. I hope someday he will pass them along, in some form or other. I suspect this is why writing novels is important to me... It lets me slip in bits and pieces that are important to me, even though the events and characters are totally my own creations.
ChickiesnBunnies":jji1910h said:
I just turned 24 on the 15th and feel so old physically, mentally I feel 17 forever. =D
But, animal babies will always make you feel better! =p

That is true. :D

MaggieJ":jji1910h said:
What it is, I think, is a sense that as we age, we have all these memories and bits of family culture and know that when we die it will all be lost unless we pass it on somehow. I always loved my mother's stories of her childhood ("Mom? Tell me about when your were a little girl.") and although my paternal grandmother was endlessly recounting stories of her youth, which I did not always love, I value now what I remember. Family stories are important... and should be passed down. My son, David (MidnightCoder) gets a fair bit of these memories tossed at him these days... and he is very patient. I hope someday he will pass them along, in some form or other. I suspect this is why writing novels is important to me... It lets me slip in bits and pieces that are important to me, even though the events and characters are totally my own creations.

That is a really beautiful way to think of it. And a VERY clever way to keep the family story going even if the details like names change. :)

Sobering though to think that someday, someone will be reminiscing about stories we live now...............
When I was 19, I was looking at the park at the end of the street where I grew up, and 2 kids ran up, asking who I was looking for (guess they thought I was a babysitter). The kids were maybe 8 or 9 years old. I said I was just looking at the park where I played as a kid, "in fact, I helped make that bike track you kids were just playing on". My brother and I and some other kids had raked and dug holes around a 200+ year old oak to make a "stunt track". These 2 kids looked me up and down with the fisheye, and then one said "geeez, you must be OLD"! Well, it HAD been there for their entire lives! But since I was "old" at 19, I have never looked back, LOL. As long as I am above ground, I am young, and so are all of you. :)
AGE is a state of mind!
You are only as old, [in your mind as you allow yourself to be].
I refuse to be cubby holed, I know I have gained more than
a few years with the passing of time. I try to maintain a
youthful outlook on life, though I do appreciate the
benefits of being of the "older generation".
I like to remember my childhood as times were so much more simple then.
We had no Cell phones or Computers, those things which allow us
and pester us with the thought that we must always be in constant
communication with one another. Sometimes not being reachable has it's benefits!
Just a little hint, I remember when Cany bars were Five and ten Cents
and they were a lot bigger than the candy bars of today.
The price of everything has skyrocketed to almost out of sight and or reach.
I would love to go back about 30 years knowing what I know now.
My life would be a lot different if I had not frittered away so much time and $Money$.
Oh well, it is what it is and you can never go back. I have enjoyed my life
and growing up as I have. Reminiscing is a good thing, but after all is said and done
I am where I am and here and now is where I'm supposed to be!
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
Ever since losing my step dad in may(who I was very close to) I feel old. He was only just turned 54 and it happened out if no where. Before this 37is didn't seem so old. I think I may just be really depressed these days. I feel tired but not really very wise. When I think of wise I think of the 80 or 90 year old personthat a who lived thru so many things that most of us have only read about in school.
tm_bunnyloft":1rsxx43j said:
Before this 37is didn't seem so old. I think I may just be really depressed these days.
I'm so sorry for your loss. You must miss your step dad very much. If there is one thing I've learned about depression, though, it is that you must fight it. Keeping busy helps. If you feel too tired to take on a big job or activity, choose a small one. Walking is good... At least it always helped me. I hope you begin to feel better soon. (((HUGS)))
Maggie, I think what you are feeling "growing pains". Adults have them too. Times where something sparks in you to look back, actually take inventory of who you are, where you came from. It's good to do. Helps build character if you look back with honesty.

I don't know if I feel "old" anymore. After the loss of our Son, I feel like I'm just here waiting for the time for it to all be over because the Best of My Life was taken so pointlessly and harshly.

So we got Rabbits. They give us purpose, but haven't gotten rid of that "waiting" feeling. I guess that's my "new old".
