Ok, who had a talk with my rabbits??

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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They are all eating the oats and the mix hay cubes, like, every day!!

So then, I need to know who sat down with my hoppity herd and had a talk with them and how'd you do it?


It's great, I love how they have stopped being little spoiled looney-toons.

Also, a question or two.
How much grain or pellet does a 9 pound rabbit need?
I've been giving each a handful of oats at night. Measured that and it's about a little more than 1/3 a cup [PM]. I give them about 1/2 cup of pellets [AM].
Does one week before kindling get a full cup of pellets. Should I also increase the oats at that time?
After kindling, I start mixing in the Manna Gro until I can fully switch and then they get about 2.5 cups of it.
They all get a total of about 5in long worth of the cubed mixed hay. I stack them in my hand end to end. Also, they get Mulberry branches every other day or when they finish the section they had. These are ends that I can reach and the amount total, if I would chop it up, varies. I would say about 1.5 cups worth or branches.

I am wondering if I should be feeding more oats, hay and/or branches and how much more. I'm trying to limit pellets to a very small amount. I don't want to totally eliminate them, where I can still go without using mineral/salt blocks.
Spring through Fall, they will be on pasture, where they get a small handful of pellets and that's all. I don't know if they will keep eating oats, branches and cubes, they surely avoided everything last year on pasture, they only ate the weeds and eventually finished the pellets.
I feed my Rex which are between eight-ten pounds 2/3 c of my grain mix and lots of hay daily. No pellets.

Right now they aren't getting fresh forage since the green is just starting to sprout here.

I'm glad yours got over being so picky! YAY!
I'm currently feeding a sprouted grain/seed mix (oats, wheat, BOSS, flaxseed), pellets, and coastal bermuda hay.

The does with kits, I keep the J-feeders half full of pellets, plus two handfuls of sprouted mix + some scattered on the floor, plus free-feed hay. The bucks and my French Angora doe get a cup of pellets, sprouted mix (FA gets a handful, the SF bucks get a half-handful), and free-fed hay. The bucks do not eat all their pellets, the FA doe eats everything I give her -- she has had a veracious appetite since I brought her home a month ago.

Since I'm not really sure how much to feed in what proportions, I'm winging this. I'm not ready to move them completely off pellets yet. I'm not ready to start thinking about what minerals to supplement...I'm focusing on the feed elements first. But, I want to feed more sprouts than pellets due to costs and because I just think it is better nutrition overall. I will be so happy when I starting getting more fresh green stuff to feed them.

Glad your rabs have decided to stop being stubborn. I wish someone would talk to mine and explain to them that orange vegetables are good for them (they don't like pumpkin or sweet potato). Seems, if it isn't green, sprouted, or flowers, they aren't interested. Oh, they do like carrots and cauliflower but would ignore those completely in lieu of some lovely flowers and weeds.