Ok a little sexing question confusion

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Gloucester, Virginia
I've gotten pretty good at sexing my rabbits. When I push on their genitals and things pop up I can pretty easily tell. In a recent litter I was holding a buck back. I was pretty confident of my pick at 6-7 weeks. Now that rabbit is 9 weeks and I'm having a hard time getting the goods to pop up so that I can tell. When I pull back and push things the genitals don't show but the anus puffs up. I've had this happen one time before and thought it was a fluke. Hoping someone has experienced this and can help me with the sexing.
Have you tried wiggling it or using another finger to help get it out? Sometimes they get stuck behind some skin.

Makes me wonder when the skin for the testicles starts to loosen and wrinkle...Shouldn't that happen before they decend?
I've kind of thought that same think that something is getting stuck and pushed inwards thus protruding the anus. I would think the skin would loosen up. I'll try checking it from different angles and such. I read something one time where the author said with males sometimes the anus would "wink" at you. I'm not sure this is what they meant by winking lol
Secuono":afaedbm7 said:
Have you tried wiggling it or using another finger to help get it out? Sometimes they get stuck behind some skin.

Makes me wonder when the skin for the testicles starts to loosen and wrinkle...Shouldn't that happen before they decend?

Usually I see scrotal sacs on my bucks well before the testicles descend, around 10 weeks, and it's getting earlier, because now I have descended testicles at 12 weeks. Even with the descended testicles and scrotal sacs, I still don't see a real penis until some time around 4-5 mos.

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