oh No!(

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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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Today I had my friend switch out hutches, so that some of my lionheads could. Mozey around the yard. I wasn't home at the time but I have one barn of bucks with one cage of does that were born Feb 21 of this year. I specifically told him DO NOT put these little does outside today! Well I came home and all the does were in the mix with all the bucks, 2 of my bucks as I started to walk back there were mounting my little does, I hurried as fast as i could to get them out but by the time I got their they had all ready done there thing so I think all of them might be pregnant now. But there so young! I checked their vent area and sure enough it was all slimy and slippery lookin like it should be when I breed. Will they be ok to have kits?! Ive never bred that young I was waiting till July but now I dont know. :( :!: I'm just so worried they will die giving birth, has anyone had does this young pregnant? Another thing is that the does are already bigger then my little bucks ...does that make a difference? Any advice helps thanks
Actually, quite a few of our members, myself included, have found that does bred as soon as they are ready and willing have better litter outcomes. They seem to have better instincts when it comes to nest building and fur pulling, with larger litters and better milk production. :)

Just mark your calender and be ready to put the nests in at the appropriate time, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. :)
Thats what I have been told :) I was just worried because I was going to breed them June/July and that is when they would be 4 months but oh well I guess we might have some kits. One good thing out of this was the bucksi was going to breed to them were the ones that mounted them when i went out there, if their is kits their might be some BEWS. I'm kinda excited now.<br /><br />__________ Mon May 27, 2013 7:38 pm __________<br /><br />One thing though their vents did not look ready at all

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