Oh great!!

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Oregon
My daughters took the rabbits out to play this afternoon. The took the does out and after a few minutes started to call me over to break up a fight.

They were not fighting...they were mating!!

Guess Capt. Janeway is really Captain Kirk!

My wife sexed them when we first brought them home and I guess she was wrong. Problem is that they are brother and sister and I was wanting to avoid close inbreeding. Too late now.

Litter number two should be here in a month.
bilder":33vstq1t said:
My wife sexed them when we first brought them home and I guess she was wrong.

Sure, sure, blame it on the wife! :roll:

You might be surprised by the kits you get out of the litter. :)

Congratulations, even if the bunnies did take matters into their own hands! :lol:
If I recal they were engilsh spot crossed with silver fox - you don't need to worry about inbreeding at all!

You will likely get some silvered broken blacks :D Keep the the best growing girls to start your meat mutt herd!
Are the parents of the 2 that bred outcrosses? If so I wouldn't worry too much about what you produce. Even if they are not its a tight breeding as MSD said you could get something really nice out of it. If you get something you really want to keep then take that one to an unrelated rabbit and you'll be fine. If not, then pet out the babies and now you know for next time.

Sorry you have an unexpected litter, but really right now that's probably the worst of it from what I've read.
Just because one was mounting the other doesn't mean you have a boy... females will do that as a dominance display. It looks exactly the same, except the one on the bottom doesn't lift, and the one on top doesn't fall off like a buck usually does.

If you haven't re-sexed them, and you didn't see the one fall off, you could still have two does... :)
Yeah, when I see that type of behavior in my juniors, I pick up the one on top and flip it over to see if his whang is whanging :laugh2: If not, it is probably just dominance as Miss M says :D

And, sometimes the doe will do that to the buck to tell him to "back off, I'm not ready" :p
I sexed them again. Buck and doe for sure. Now have two does and two bucks. Once my daughters saw that they were mating they thought it was funny watching the buck grunt and fall over. Guess he was spraying urine at first too. They did not think that part was funny though.

They are english/fox mix. Planning on breeding my NZ with them in three or four weeks. If this litter is a good one I will have a decent stagger between litters that should give a good production schedule. Will add a third doe to round things out nicely.

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