number of breedings?

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Well-known member
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Oct 4, 2014
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central New York
Thinking about starting to breed again this month after a break through the winter. Have been reading some of the ebooks I got with my bunnybucks and notice that the older books warn about not using a buck too often. We have 3 junior does that we'll want to breed this season. Last year we just had 2 does and we bred them a day apart, put each one with the buck morning and evening of one day. Think I've read somewhere on RT that the second time isn't necessary. Looking for advice from those with more experience--these are meat rabbits if that matters for this question. How many times do you put the doe with the buck? How often can you use a buck without "overworking" him? With our small rabbitry the buck has lots of work for a brief time and then a couple months off. (He was ready and successful every time last season.)
I'm not really sure why they say that... what I've seen on here is one buck for ten does, which would keep the boy decently busy.

I usually try to have the buck fall off at least three times if it's hot or he hasn't been used in a while, just to make sure he's getting some live sperm to the doe.
Recent studies indicate that optimum sperm production is achieved if the buck is used every day. Obviously, that isn't an option for you.

Miss M":sl1j8rmq said:
I usually try to have the buck fall off at least three times if it's hot or he hasn't been used in a while, just to make sure he's getting some live sperm to the doe.

Yes. If your buck is only going to be used every couple of months, the first ejaculate is going to contain mostly dead sperm and should be considered a "clean out". The first doe to be bred should therefore get at least two services.

However, since you will now have five does to breed, you may want to have him fall off one doe twice, then put the next doe with him and get a fall off or two, etc.

I have bred bucks to several does on the same day and had litters from all the does.

Rainey":sl1j8rmq said:
I've read somewhere on RT that the second time isn't necessary.

With normal sperm production (and the "clean out ejaculation" if the buck hasn't been in regular use) I have never noticed a difference in litter size even if the buck only services the doe one time.
Miss M":6goyrv4o said:
I usually try to have the buck fall off at least three times if it's hot or he hasn't been used in a while, just to make sure he's getting some live sperm to the doe.

That's my general rule too , 3 successful mountings.

If its hot , I'll have him mount a doe 3 times in the morning & again 3 times in the evening , this has worked very well (other than when my lone buck went heat sterile) and I generally get very large litters , 9 or better.

I've used the same buck on as many as 3 does in a single day , 3 successful mountings with each of them tho not back to back to back. I'll spread them out over the course of several hours , one in the early morning , one after it has cooled off in the evening and another just before I go to bed and wont breed them during the hot part of the day.
MamaSheepdog":2b6w9nx1 said:
However, since you will now have five does to breed, you may want to have him fall off one doe twice, then put the next doe with him and get a fall off or two, etc.

I have bred bucks to several does on the same day and had litters from all the does.

Rainey":2b6w9nx1 said:
I've read somewhere on RT that the second time isn't necessary.

With normal sperm production (and the "clean out ejaculation" if the buck hasn't been in regular use) I have never noticed a difference in litter size even if the buck only services the doe one time.

Actually we have just the 3 does from last year's litters--the 2 original does are gone. Don't know if it makes any difference that this is the first breeding for all our does since the question is more about the buck. He was just under a year when we started, but had bred successfully before according to the seller. So he'll be 2 years old this summer and should be able to do the job for another season or more? We'll probably only keep 2 does after the first breeding, but thought if we had 3 we'd have a better chance of having two kindle.
I had a buck escape in to a colony of does. They can really breed a lot of does. I don't think you could ever overwork them unless you have a lazy buck who will quit breeding out of the effort required. His sperm is still going to be good. I try to get 3 coverings and if I do then I don't put them together a second time. Sometimes I'll except 2 but if it's 1 I do wait awhile (usually just a couple hours) and then try again. Some bucks like to show off and will take forever to try to breed again if you leave the doe in with them. It's easier to pull the doe in to a spare cage or carrier and go get other stuff done rather than waste time watching over a buck who is thumping and grunting around his doe for 10mins or more before attempting to breed again.
MamaSheepdog":17hy667n said:
Recent studies indicate that optimum sperm production is achieved if the buck is used every day. Obviously, that isn't an option for you.

Miss M":17hy667n said:
I usually try to have the buck fall off at least three times if it's hot or he hasn't been used in a while, just to make sure he's getting some live sperm to the doe.

Yes. If your buck is only going to be used every couple of months, the first ejaculate is going to contain mostly dead sperm and should be considered a "clean out". The first doe to be bred should therefore get at least two services.

However, since you will now have five does to breed, you may want to have him fall off one doe twice, then put the next doe with him and get a fall off or two, etc.

I have bred bucks to several does on the same day and had litters from all the does.

Rainey":17hy667n said:
I've read somewhere on RT that the second time isn't necessary.

With normal sperm production (and the "clean out ejaculation" if the buck hasn't been in regular use) I have never noticed a difference in litter size even if the buck only services the doe one time.

I agree, breeding later that day or the next day isn't really necessary. One service, with at least 2, maybe 3 fall offs is plenty.
I aim for two to three breedings, generally an hour apart but sometimes more if we are busy. I will let the buck have a go (or two if he's interested) put the doe back in her cage and feed her, I read somewhere (here?) that feeding right away may cause the doe to be more likely to take to the breeding. I'll let them have another go after a bit. I generally hold the doe upside down after to keep her from peeing so I take the time to do a little nail trimming. Some of my Holland bucks are on the lazy side (sooooo annoying) but a buck can handle two or three does in a day, easily. Obviously if he hasn't been getting enough activity he will tire quicker.
dangerbunny":3vl6uvj5 said:
I generally hold the doe upside down after to keep her from peeing
I hadn't heard of doing this... I assume that, since the doe's bladder empties into the vaginal tract, this is to prevent semen from being flushed out by the urine?

I have seen my does urinate right after mating, but haven't had trouble getting litters... I think the semen is deposited beyond the urinary opening
Does actually allow urine in to the vagina? Humans don't. We pee from a little mound of tissue at the opening and none goes inside. So many people don't know that little bit about female anatomy. They asked adults to mark anatomy on drawings and nearly everyone marked the cervix and vagina as where the pee comes from and ignored the urethral tube. What they got back as answers for the whole experiment was just sad. Half the people couldn't ID ovaries.

Back on topic. From the pic urine seems to come out rather far down from the cervix. I would bet anything that far away is not going to make it inside. If it doesn't have the force to push in to the cervix and then enough motility to keep going it's unlikely to get in there no matter what you do. What leaks out is waste.
I know the female anatomy, It's not because the doe will pee the semen out. It's a tip from an old time breeder and I figured it wouldn't hurt, supposed to maximize the semen getting to the cervix. I generally just flip them to check their vent and take them to their cage but sometimes do nails if they need it since my does get all mellow after a successful breeding.

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