Now my buck is sick

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Well-known member
May 18, 2011
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Just what I needed! I will have to admit I am not having a very good day today. :cry: The new doe still wont eat or drink anything, now my buck has diarrhea. When I went to feed and water them this morning I noticed his water bottle was still full and he hadn't touched his food, and he was grinding his teeth. I gave him some plantain for now, which he is eating. I don't know if one of the kids or maybe even me touched him after the new rabbit and he got sick from that??? Or if its just a coincidence. What's even worse is I just bred him yesterday to my NZW doe, so now I have to watch her and make sure she doesn't get sick, she also is in the cage right next to the HL that has a litter of 6 day old kits :x Oh and of course its going to be stinkin hot and humid for the next couple of days.

But the worst news of all, the above problems is nothing compared to the fact that my husbands grandpa just passed away this morning. :cry: We knew it was coming, he had CHF and cancer and hasn't been able to eat for almost a week, but... its still hard to think of them as gone (grandma died in December last year)

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. :(
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of grandpa. Knowing it is coming lessens the shock, but not the pain. (((Hugs)))

Have you tried offering the doe some parsley? It is an appetite stimulant.

I would give the buck some willow for pain, since he is grinding his teeth.

He may have gas, so if you have any Gas-X strips or simethicone drops I would suggest giving him some. Also, get him out of his cage and let him romp around for 15 minutes or so. That may help to get his gut moving.

Raspberry and blackberry leaves and canes are good for diarrhea, as are strawberry leaves and the weeds Shepherds Purse and Plantain, which you have already given him.

I hope things go smoothly for you today. You have a lot on your plate. :grouphug:

Make sure you give your husband my condolences on the loss of his grandpa.
So sorry you're going through such a rough time, Jessica. I see MSD has already posted just about everything you need, but I'll post this anyway.

Keep the plantain leaves and maybe some blackberry/raspberry/strawberry leaves in front of the buck. You may have to syringe fluids into him. If he is still grinding his teeth, try some infant gas drops (Simethicone) to relieve the gas and bloating. If you have some willow twigs with or without leaves you can give him those... They will help relieve his pain and the leaves are very nutritious.

Try to find out if the kids gave him something. Explain that you will not get mad at them, but that you need to know the truth so that you can help the rabbit.

Sorry to hear about your husband's grandpa. It's always hard to lose a loved family member. May your memories of him bring you comfort.
Sounds like you're really having a rough go of it today! I hope things settle down for you...your cup certainly does runneth over. Heartfelt condolences for your family's loss :( Keep us in the loop with your bunnies, yes?
If I can do anything to help you out let me know. I can meet up with you within a 15 min. time frame almost any time.
So sorry about your families loss. :( You are in my prayers. I hope your buck improves and all other buns stay healthy.
Thanks everyone, it has been tough but I thank God my kids got to spend time with their great grandpa before he passed. I know he is now free of pain and in a better place. We will miss him.

I got the rabbits out in the x-pen for some exercise, the buck didn't want to hop around too much, but he has always been on the lazy side lol! The doe, got her moving a lot, she looks like she swallowed a football she is so bloated. I also haven't seen any poop from her, I guess that could be because she hasn't ate. I am going to get them out again this evening, its way to hot right now 97 degrees, heat index over 100!! I am going to pick up some Gatorade for them when I go to the store. Right now they are all chillin with their ice bottles.