Desert Rose Rabbits
Well-known member
So, no snot, but she's really congested. It's official that Red has something, but at least with him, it's not super crazy strong, but really contagious. Kitty, by default, is away from everyone as she went into the new quonset cage we made. However, it doesn't bode well for the litter she has with her. So far, no one else seems to be stuffy. Red even seems to be doing better on his own. No snot in two days, but was a little congested yesterday. Not horribly so, though.
If all I lose out of this is two rabbits, I'll call it a win. Granted, finding healthy rabbits here is a nightmare. Think I may have to start venturing into other states for buns.
If all I lose out of this is two rabbits, I'll call it a win. Granted, finding healthy rabbits here is a nightmare. Think I may have to start venturing into other states for buns.