I did my evening check of the rabbits to feed/water and make sure everyone was handling the heat ok (tough day today). My red NZ jr buck was just not looking right. He was hot (despite the fans and water bottle) but something didn't seem right. I looked at his tray below and some of his poop was a bit on the tiny side (no mucus or anything like that). I pulled him out and flipped him over. He had some wetness on the tail, but not much but on the very tip of his penis it is very red (just the first 1mm). Not sure what is wrong and if that is just bothering him (no teeth grinding).
I did give him a cold tile to lay on for the first time today. Any ideas? He is my only NZ buck so I need to keep him healthy.
I did give him a cold tile to lay on for the first time today. Any ideas? He is my only NZ buck so I need to keep him healthy.