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Looking back on growth rates, Malty buck is leaps ahead of Vapor, so, listing Vapor and keeping the young guy.
Then Looking in general, decided to list Muddy, the broken steel buck, too. Why? Well, ehh, and because Cruella REW buck will be held back. Going to see if he's a better breeder than his dad. The previous son, Tux, was okay, but no kits survived. I need a 2nd Rex buck. I know Tealy buck is being kept, but I'll definitely be watching his offspring. Will cull if the first litter doesn't grow decently.
Looking into a new buck from breeder of Cruella. Hoping to find something with LOIN! Lol
Looking back on growth rates, Malty buck is leaps ahead of Vapor, so, listing Vapor and keeping the young guy.
Then Looking in general, decided to list Muddy, the broken steel buck, too. Why? Well, ehh, and because Cruella REW buck will be held back. Going to see if he's a better breeder than his dad. The previous son, Tux, was okay, but no kits survived. I need a 2nd Rex buck. I know Tealy buck is being kept, but I'll definitely be watching his offspring. Will cull if the first litter doesn't grow decently.
Looking into a new buck from breeder of Cruella. Hoping to find something with LOIN! Lol

Ugh, wtf
Got new weights n pics for the 2 bucks, but....
They're like the best buns so far...🤦🏽‍♀️ I can't sell them, can I?
Muddy needs a better topline, both need wider loin, but otherwise can't complain.
Guess I'll be keeping them a bit longer...
The Malty buck will be listed instead, got the 2 does held back, so might as well.
Also tried looking over the Quincy kits, as there's 4 left and I need to decide. Ugh. Smallest buck has best shape. Why...just...why 😭
I'm quickly loosing the 20 bun max...

With the 2 older bucks moved outside, before I realized I can't sell them, I split the 1st Berry litter. Added Tealy buck in with one half of them. Too many buns in with Jet, they were going through food and water too fast all together.
Well, that's annoying. Two biggest are culls. Ugh, why?
Need to compare the 2 hold backs to the previous litter.
1st, low weight, but i like the shoulder & rear.
2nd, high weight, but awful shoulder and not great hind.
3rd, same thing.
4th, same as 1st.

Jet kits
I think there's a V leg issue in this litter.

Sky kits

4 listed Coral kits.

Such sad numbers.

These are Vapor kits. Looks like he's passing his "fuller to the table" and wider shoulders to them. He has 2 other litters growing up. So, it's good I kept him to keep breeding him around.
Muddy is expecting a litter in about 3wks.

Berry kits, all 9 left with her are fed! These are mutts, sire Vapor. His 3rd litter was Berry's first litter, with Rivian, as well. Those unfortunately faltered badly, but at least they seem to be recovering. Unlike Navy kits, who also had a serious problem, that are still struggling to get out of their rut. I don't believe any with be worth watching and will be culled out once Navy is due her 2nd nest.

Glit is so much nicer this time around! She was a demon about her kits before, but she's letting me pet her and check kits without any aggressive behavior. Though, I'm still spooking and recoiling, lol.
the 2 fosters from Berry are fed and all of her own 7 are fed.
$170 in the green. 4 more bags worth of poo, 20.

Currently $190 in the green.

About to start culling out 5-6 big buns for dogs. Then runty ones.

Almost didn't fit, mashed it all down. Still waiting on peatmoss, but got grit to be on hand to mix for the garden totes.
Weights of the fresh out of nesters. One Chick kit not pictured bc I didn't see i missed one before starting to put them back. Didn't want to catch it, plus the angry kit and another kit.
Anywho. Who knew my big posing table I made was actually not that big?? 5wks and 8 kits may not fit, lol. Wondering if I should make a litter posing area, that's real long...
I am a week or so late to the conversation, but I have seen those odd pellets now and then, and they look EXACTLY like my chicken feed pellets, so I thought they might be chicken feed that got mixed in. I assume they use the same equipment to pellet or fill bags and they just don't clean it perfectly between runs?

I wonder if the reason the littlest in a litter look the best could be age? my biggest guys take a while to fill out. Is it possible they are a week or two behind the little guys in final growth? I know commercial body types are supposed to do this less, but I was just wondering...

In my experience tho, you are right, the desirable traits are always in 2 different individuals, and it is crazy-making. :confused:
If you produce a thing you would normally pay for, you can "sell" it to yourself as a savings. I eat rabbit meat and if I did not, I would buy commercial chicken in the store. Commercial chicken is $3/lb.

I do not sell my rabbit poop. It is waay too valuable to me in my own garden. But if I were to buy commercial compost in my area it would be at least $5/bag. Sometimes I have it delivered by the cubic yard and I pay a lot for it. For me, the poop is almost more valuable than the meat.
If you produce a thing you would normally pay for, you can "sell" it to yourself as a savings. I eat rabbit meat and if I did not, I would buy commercial chicken in the store. Commercial chicken is $3/lb.

I do not sell my rabbit poop. It is waay too valuable to me in my own garden. But if I were to buy commercial compost in my area it would be at least $5/bag. Sometimes I have it delivered by the cubic yard and I pay a lot for it. For me, the poop is almost more valuable than the meat.
Right! That is so awesome. So do you track it on your expense report for your business to file taxes on? Also how do you manage to get your poop without hay and leftover feed?
Right! That is so awesome. So do you track it on your expense report for your business to file taxes on? Also how do you manage to get your poop without hay and leftover feed?
I am not a business, so for me this is just for fun. My setup does not create much waste feed, and my soil is basically sand, so waste hay is not a bad thing anyway, but I do not want to hijack @Secuono 's thread. Maybe they have some input since I think they are far more business-like than me.
Ice storm, no power, but first timer & home bred Penny, had her kits! Didn't really dig a hole, but all are warm n fed in there. Tons of fur.
Sire is Guilded.
No head count, as its a bit dark without electricity.
Clearly, she's been eating the hay. Gave her hay in the cage afterwards.
I am not a business, so for me this is just for fun. My setup does not create much waste feed, and my soil is basically sand, so waste hay is not a bad thing anyway, but I do not want to hijack @Secuono 's thread. Maybe they have some input since I think they are far more business-like than me.
Haha thanks for sharing. Could you please 🙏 share a picture of your setup? Because all my expensive feed and hay ends up with poop and pee. My setup is a double hutch with trays underneath each level to collect the poop. Did not realize it was going to be 90% hay and feed mixed poop. I was trying to sell my Rabbit poop but don't know how since so much hay and food is in there.
Ice storm, no power, but first timer & home bred Penny, had her kits! Didn't really dig a hole, but all are warm n fed in there. Tons of fur.
Sire is Guilded.
No head count, as its a bit dark without electricity.
Clearly, she's been eating the hay. Gave her hay in the cage afterwards.
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Wow congrats to you! So sorry about the ice storm! Where are you getting ice storms at? Mama did a good job those kits look great! Will you be checking them everyday when you have daylight or leave her to it? Our American Chinchilla doe just had kits yesterday as well! I was so nervous
Wow congrats to you! So sorry about the ice storm! Where are you getting ice storms at? Mama did a good job those kits look great! Will you be checking them everyday when you have daylight or leave her to it? Our American Chinchilla doe just had kits yesterday as well! I was so nervous

Virginia. But a lot of the usa is having weird weather this winter.

I usually only check the first day for doa and placentas. Then I try not to bother them for 3-4 days until fur comes in and I can see color. If there's lots of kits, I'll check daily for ones falling behind.
But sometimes I check more often bc they're so cute! 🤷🏽‍♀️ lol

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