NOOOO! GAH! Please help me!

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2013
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My rabbit... dude I want to kill her. It's not her fault but still. I can see how people raise meat rabbits now.

I don't know what happened around here... but Holly has fleas and now this.

I went out to clean her eye, because I knew it was crusty. Well, I did. She opened it, and her entire eyelid is purple and swollen. What the dang heck do I do? I love my rabbits, I can't sell them!!!! But I need to do SOMETHING...<br /><br />__________ Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:20 pm __________<br /><br />Making chamomile (or however the heck you spell it) tea right now.
I don't know it this helps but someone told me manuka honey can be used to put in rabbits eyes to cure infections. I mixed one teaspoon water to 1 teaspoon honey and put drops in one of mines eyes and the redness- inflamed look went away. Also, I googled manuka honey and eye infections and found a lot of people saying it cured their eye infections. - sorry your having all the problems with your rabbits.

Also, there's been a lot of research on anti bacterial qualities of manuka honey- and it really is great at killing bacteria and curing infections.
Or Polysporin eye drops. I use them, I've used them on my cat, on my dog and on one of my rabbits. Clears stuff right up. Be sure to check as thoroughly as you can for foreign bodies in the eye as well - I had a doe who's eye swelled shut overnight because I was putting hay on top of her cage to try and eliminate waste, and she managed to get some debris in her eye when she was pulling the hay down. Instead of working out, it worked in, and BAM giant horrible eye infection of doom. I flushed her eye, put a couple drops of polysporin in and everything was fine and dandy 2 days later, couldn't even tell her eyeball had been replaced with a GIANT marble recently.
Just soaked with tea and found out that it is only her eyelid, not her actual eye. Her eye looks perfectly normal. Just the lid. After I soaked it, I found out that it is not purple anymore.