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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Western Michigan
This has been a pretty odd 6 months for me. Mixed ups and downs; roller coaster style. :x We'll make a reallly long story short and say: I'm trying not to lose my best friend of 14 years. She's made some choices I and everyone else around her don't approve of, and I really hope we can make it through this. I'd appreciate prayers. <3

But on a lighter note, that's (so far) the worst thing that has happened so far. I was asked to be the 4-H co-leader (it's me and another girl) of the rabbit hopping branch of my club. My Jersey Wooly line is doing well. I participated in an essay contest and received an honorable mention out of (I think) 300 kids. I know have some money to stash away in my college fund. :D I'll be dual-enrolling this fall, so tomorrow I have a college English placement test so I can figure out what classes I'll be taking during the upcoming school semester. I'm currently typing on my gently used Chromebook; so that means a lot more time to write. I'd love to enter more writing contests so I can save more money up. Hey, did you know college is expensive? :lol: Also gas, cars, and... rabbits!

In case you haven't guessed, I'd love to pursue a career in writing. I also have a significant passion for veterinary science. However, I've heard from lots of people, that with the vast expense of 8 years' college, the monetary payoff is not enough. I'm sure, emotionally, it's extraordinary; but I'd someday like to have a small farm, and I don't know if I'd have the means (or the guts :p) to do what it takes. Any comments on this? I'd love to pick someone's brain. As a side note, I'm still young; I'm aware of that. But it's fun to dream of the future. ;)

That's all, folks! :gnight:
My advice to you is follow your heart!
If you think vet care is a passion for you.. do it!
(It will only be an asset if you are on a small farm as an adult...)
Also, there could be a lot of ways to combine your writing with a vet care business....

Be aware that there may come a time were the rabbits need to take a back seat to pursuing an education/career.... and sometimes hard choices need to be made ....

Select a GOAL
Break obtaining that goal into small steps... those small steps become milestone goals
Be prepared to revisit your list frequently and make changes as necessary; sometimes the goals of a teen change when you get some life experiences under your belt.

My dream when I was younger; get a small farm.
I thought the goal had changed as I grew to be a young adult (20s) and after marriage and marriage breakdown (30s) I have found that that dream is still there, but got buried by teen and young adult priorities...
Definitly set goals and work to make them happen. Find out what is the most important of your dreams (a farm or being a Vet) and make choices to ensure that what you most desire will come true. Dont be confused if you get deterred, we have all had that happen at times. Just keep plugging away and taking steps to get closer each day and year. Writing is great-you should for sure continue to do that in as many capacities as possible, and write down your thoughts and goals so that you can reflect and know which directions to navigate based on the course you have taken. And it will be a good way to stay focused on the future too.

I know the decisions can seem overwhelming but if you dont see clear answers keep researching until you feel like you are informed enough, best of luck!
First of all prayers for your friend and their family.

Next, the good news is, you don't have to decide today. Or tomorrow. And know that as your life evolves, decisions you agonize over today may be of little import years from now. As an example, my degree is in marine biology, the bulk of my career was in the law, and I am now a farmer.

In your case, maybe some training as a vet tech might give you the interactions to help you decide if vet medicine is for you. Even if you decide against it, the skills you learn can do nothing but help you if you decide to have a farm later on. No matter what, keep writing...and reading. A summer day's "fun" book might lead you down a path you haven't even thought of yet.

Best of luck to you as you begin this next journey.
:yeahthat: What Marinea said.

Though like you I had a dream of becoming a veterinarian and owning my own homestead. I still have that dream, but I believe I have found my niche as a Veterinary Technician. I love my job and all the opportunities that I have available to me. I also am thankful for my knowledge as it comes to having a farm. I say dream on. Follow your dreams and see where they lead you. As for your friend. Keep praying for her, and if able, be there when she needs you to talk too.
I can relate to you really well, and my words might hit a bit hard. I was very recently in the exact same boat as you. I am 19 and just got through my first year of college so I'll tell you this: career and class counselors are your friends. They will help you find degrees and classes you didn't even know exists. Growing up I wanted to be a veterinarian too. That came to a complete and udder stop though because I can't handle the initial cleaning of wounds. Then I longed to become a zoo keeper, because I love caring for animals, but I wouldn't be able to have the animals I want because of where I'd need to live and the time I wouldn't have. I love farming and it is very similar to zookeeping, so I decided to set off on that path. I talked to my counselors and I am now on track for a degree in farm and ranch management. If you love doing more than one thing you can work on a major degree and a minor degree at the same time. My counselors have also shown me other careers I can go into with my degree other than just running a farm. You can get to your dream job so long as you get help getting on the right path to it. Never let go of your dreams for any reason. There are a lot of nay Sayers in my life (my own mom included) but I know that I can get my dream and my counselors believe in me too. As far as your friend goes, all you can do is stay by her as long as you can and try to get her to change the decisions she makes, but she will still make her own decisions no matter what they are and who does/doesn't support them. Try to help her, but if worrying about her starts slowing your progress down you'll have to decide what to do about it, no matter how hard the decisions might get. I had a friend that was my best friend since we were toddlers. She started hanging around bad people and doing bad things. I tried for years to help her turn around, but I wasn't progressing in life because of it. I made the hard decision to let her go and move forward with my own life. Hopefully you won't have to do the same. Best of luck to you from someone who was were you are not long ago.