Newbie breeding question!

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Dec 6, 2014
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Hi everyone! Just a quick question, I put my doe in with my buck they have both breed a few times before, but this is my first time with them. Anyway I put her in for about 10 min and the mounted her about 6 or 7 times then, I took her out and put her back in 4 hours later, and she was groweling and snapping at him he did mount her a few times, why did she start being nice then later turned mean!
My guess is that she'd simply had enough. :) If the buck completed mating 6 or 7 times, chances are, she's successfully been bred and is all done with him for now.
Mounted but did he fall off or was he kicked off? Our does will do the same growl, and play hard to get. If we put them back with the buck after the first 4 good connections, we give them about another 20 minutes to half hour for another good connection. Typically the buck will woo her into another 4 good connections over an hour span.
Then2nd time we put them together he feel off, does that mean she may be breed?
and he mounted her about 6 or 7 times then, I took her out and put her back in 4 hours later, and she was growling and snapping at him, he did mount her a few times, why did she start being nice then later turned mean!

Keli, there is no reason to allow them to copulate more than twice.
Also no reason to place them together four hours later. The job was already DONE!
Why torment the Doe by having the Buck continually harass her?
You would be served better to have your Buck service another Doe.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
The breeder told me to put her back 4 hours later and it was a very short time.

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