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Mar 17, 2013
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So if I breed my Himi Netherland doe to my black Netherland male, what colors will we get? I heard it will mostly be blacks, is this true?
I don't have an answer, but I am sure someone will chime in.

I just wanted to welcome you to the forum!
Well that depends on several things.

Is your himi a black? If so then you will likely get mostly blacks.

Is she is an agouti (the underside of her tail is whitish and the top is dark) then you will likely have some chestnuts (brown)

Your rabbits will also be carrying hidden genes and if they both have the same hidden gene you will get other colours.

Do you know what colour the parents or littermates of your rabbits were? It can help determine what hidden colour genes they may have.

On another note, your rabbits are a dwarf breed. They often have problems giving birth due to their small bone structure and they can have still-born or deformed babies called 'peanuts', in fact I know a doe who just died due to a difficult labour.

Please do your research on the problems dwarf breeds can have before putting your doe and buck togeather.
One is a Black the other is agouti. I'll have to look at their pApers to see what colors were in their lines.

I have bred bunnies before, with no complications however I've never bred a dwarf breed- so any help or advice is appreciated. I have done my research but can always learn more! :) I hope to not lose any does or kits, how can I prevent that from happening? Thanks so much :)
Dwarf rabbits often have 'pinched' or very narrow hips, this complicates things. Please have a good look at your does hips, she should have a nice big butt, round hips and her feet should not make a 'V' shape when resting. pinched-hips-t10000.html

Also if your doe is a true dwarf and not a false one she will be smaller with a more compact body and again more likely to have problems. Often Netherland Dwarf (ND) does will loose the first or second litter but be stretched out enough to have a third. It is just part of breeding dwarfs. ... s-peanuts/

If your buck and doe are both true dwarfs then 50% of the kits should be true dwarfs with 1 dwarf gene, 25% will be false dwarfs with no dwarf gene and 25% will get two dwarf genes, these are called 'peanut's' and the always die.
How do I post pictures from my phone? Will that help determine of they're true dwarves?

__________ Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:34 am __________

One is a blue point Himalayan (father was a siamese smoke pearl and mother is a Siamese sable)

She is 2.08 lbs. And has been bred before, I'm getting her from a breeder. This one I am breeding to our other male but I'm not exactly sure what his color is (I want to post a pic to find out but I'm on my phone).

The other doe is a black point himi not sure what colors were in her lines. This one we are breeding to our black male.

We may end up with a Sable point, not sure which buck we should breed her to, if we can get her?
At 2 pounds she is likely a true dwarf.

As a blue point himi she has a lot of recessives so unless the black buck has blue in his pedigree you will likely only get blacks. If he has REW or himi in his family tree, you could also get those.

The black himi will give you more blacks or possibly himi or REW depending on the bucks genes.

Of course there could be other recessives hiding and tortoiseshell and sable points are a possibility.
I like to breed our himi dwarfs into blacks from shaded lines or himi, not agouti lines. Why? You don't want to end up with "shaded agouti" which are none showable, nor worth breeding back into. We like to breed our shaded dwarfs (smoke pearl and sia sable) to blacks to darken nail color and point color.

Just learned a lesson this winter. Got a new REW buck. Top of pedigree all REW (red-eye-white rabbit) Bottom of pedigree was REW and smoke pearl and himi. I "assumed" it was a "shaded REW" and breed to sia sable and seal does. WRONG assumption, he was hiding agouti. 4 generations back we had otter and agouti on top of pedigree. Had 4 litters of non showable buns. We had shaded agouti babies. shaded chin, shaded squirrel and smoke pearl agouti, all went out as pets.

Use your pedigree as a blueprint to determine how you breed.
I "assumed" it was a "shaded REW
This is an impossibly.

REW and Himilayan cannot hide shaded or chinchilla (or normal) since these 3 colours are also on the C-locus and are dominant to Himi and REW, just as a REW cannot carry a Himi.

But I would have guessed he was a black and if a parent was smoke pearl then he must carry a self and a blue.

REW really are a gamble, at least with Himi you can look at the tail and see if they might be agouti.

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