new mum rabbit to breed

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
New Zealand
OK so I'm looking at buying a doe to breed from I want to breed her to my buck asap how long do I need to keep her separated before I introduce them? Separated in tractors how far apart do they need to be kept and the area she is moved around on dors it need to be possibly unusable if she has any problems? TIA
A month is good amount of time for quarantine. If you want to stick her in a tractor I would suggest having her down wind of the others. Also make sure that the other rabbits tractor isn't placed over top of where her tractor has been until she is deemed safe. Honestly though, I would have her separated completely in a cage away from the others to increase containment.
Thanks for reply we have paddocks all around our place so heaps of room so I can put her on grass which won't ever be used by the others I was just aware of wind born diseases how far away is far enough away.
If she's on the ground and downwind, I'm sure 20 ft would be fine; further if she is kept higher. You just need to visualize a sneeze in a strong or swirling wind and go from there.
And remember to tend to her last. And if you have children, make sure they know she's off-limits.