new honey from old bunny

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2011
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When I "rescued" Faye (English Angora) from Chicago, She was 4 years old and hadn't had any contact with other rabbits since she was 8 weeks old. Still intact, she'd never had kits, been a pampered house pet of a pampered, home schooled (read lonely)teenage girl.

The 4 hour car trip did nothing to reduce Faye's stress, but she was a wild-cat when I put her in the pantry. She was the first and only rabbit ever in life to give me pawtie-cuffs, boxing me with both paws when I bent to stroke her. And she BIT me!!! Also scratched like crazy when I tried to turn her on her back. I was not impressed. Eventually, I put her with Ralph, the more dominant of my neutered Satin Angoras and left the couple alone. They worked it out, with Faye the definite BOSS of the hutch. Ralph is such a kind cage-mate, always "protecting" her by placing himself in front of her when I open the cage and blocking me when I want to catch her. (It really is sweet.)

But a week ago, I decided to shear her so her wool could grow in before cold weather. She was blowing coat as it turned out, so I ended up brushing her almost bald, and only clipping a few tufts of her "hula" skirt. The old gal tranced on my lap, right side up, and she's been the sweetest thing ever since, coming to the front of the crate whenever I come to feed, and letting me rub her nose through the bars....

I don't understand why she is suddenly lovable and loving, but I'll take it.
aww, very nice! Also LOL at Hula skirt! That look always reminds me of those floor-cleaning-slippers
I'm with MaggieJ. Trust has to be earned. That "grooming" time, removing all that "blow out", which I know makes my Dobby very uncomfortable could have been the trick that made her realize you were someone she could trust. It's so thrilling to me when I earn the trust of my rabbits. I found once I broke through, you get the immense pleasure of seeing their true personality. So thrilled for you and her!

Mary Ann's Rabbitry":ir8imdrz said:
sometimes they do that when they are ready to breed. Then right back to thei own selves again afterwards.
I SO wish you hadn't said that....I keep telling myself she's too old for a first litter....and there's this cute little Satin in the cage below who would looooovvvveeee to make her personal acquaintance....

But, it's good to be warned if the love-fest suddenly stops, not to take it personally. :(
owlsfriend":3oaiy8zz said:
Mary Ann's Rabbitry":3oaiy8zz said:
sometimes they do that when they are ready to breed. Then right back to thei own selves again afterwards.
I SO wish you hadn't said that....I keep telling myself she's too old for a first litter....and there's this cute little Satin in the cage below who would looooovvvveeee to make her personal acquaintance....

But, it's good to be warned if the love-fest suddenly stops, not to take it personally. :(

I guess I'm lucky then. Trust kicked in and now just have a crabby doe when ready to be bred.

The local veterinary keeps angoras and he won't breed any of his does until they are almost two years old. He says they need to be completely mature before breeding them. Four years shouldn't be too old if the bunny is in good condition, IMHO, but I'm not an expert on these things.
hotzcatz: BUSHWAH! Rabbits as a mammal are genetically programmed to breed early and often and domestication has not altered that fact LOL Hence, the phrase, "breeding like rabbits" :cheesysmile:

If you want to breed her, I find that my EA doe is very amorous right after blowing her coat. I also cross my EA buck with a Satin doe and the pelts on the kits are so very silky soft ... very little guard hair, slightly longer than regular rabbit fur.
I can understand why your Vet waits until his does are "mature". I waited an extra month (usually people breed at 6 months) with my First Time Mom. Luna did an excellent job raising her babies, who are now 5 weeks old. I truly think the maturity level helped her understand her job. She took right to it. Made a lovely nest, fed them really well. Truly glad I waited. Best experience for everyone here.


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