We have horses and our own hay field that we keep around 80small rectangle and 30 round off of every year but it's not very good stuff. The first cut gets taken over by goldenrod which is toxic and the person who cuts the hay takes that entire cut for his cattle as payment. Then no matter what I can't convince my mom and grandpa to plant the mix I want and while they attempt to do 100% alfalfa they don't maintain the field well enough so 50-75% of it is wild grasses and forages except the first year or so after they replant entirely in alfalfa. The horses actually do better on the weed filled hay than the pure alfalfa because my stocky quarter horses get way too chubby on high quality legume hay. A couple years back after the field was replanted and giving us high content alfalfa I traded off every last bale to someone with good grass hay because when you tightened the cinch on my reining mare her fat rolls would completely cover the billets. That's why I quit complaining about the hay field and just buy separate hay for the rabbits. It's not worth attempting these discussion with my family.