New fishing scale to try...

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May 11, 2015
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My fisherman husband has a couple nice scale options for me to use... one is a nice tournament scale from his club, but not really fun to bring out and set up for just a few minutes of use. He got this one from a buddy of his - kind of neat to be able to save the weights as I go. I just hung a canvas bag from the hook and put them in it. It also gives a total weight so finding the average for that litter is one step simpler.

I wish I would have marked the one fostered kit - I wonder if it is the lightweight of the group? It had funky fur (really fuzzy?) compared to the others, and I am thinking if I looked close I might be able to pick it out, but now it blends in pretty well.
Wow, that's way too cool.
I'm a numbers/stats junkie. With that thing, I'd be weighing pears off my tree and making graphs of their growth rates weekly. The buns would get tired off being pulled out of the cage to ride in the magic weight bucket every other day. I could weigh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, blackberries and even rocks in the driveway. I gotta git one of them things!

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