Need Advice! Just lost a kit maybe 2 to the cold :(

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Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Northern Indiana
My kits are 12 days old today. Proud mama, Norah, had 7 kits with no problems. The weather around here had been through all 4 seasons in the last 2 weeks. It is now sustaining cooler temps, but now that the kits were covered in fur I thought I had a little less to worry about.

Well, I was wrong. Checked on them tonight and I found one separated from the others and stiff/cold/not breathing and another in the bunch cold and barely moving, but the others were fine. I tried all I could for the one, but I knew when I found it that it was too late. The other I was able to warm up, but he just is not acting right at this point. I will be keeping an eye on all of them, but I am looking for some advice. I have a garden shed that I keep my rabbits in.

I am new to rabbits in a sense. I used to raise them as a 4Her kid, but it has been a long time... and this is my first litter in years. Already lost one litter within a day of this one d/t a first time mama... So I really want to have a successful litter!

I would like to know how you handle kits in the cold.
If you keep them inside away from mom, how often/how long to you take them out for?
How well do the does take not having their kits?
I take the kits away, keep them in the house all night, and put them back in the morning.

I know the does miss them, usually they build a second nest while the box is gone, they are looking for their kits. After the third time or so, they are used to it, I find them lying content in the cage, waiting for me, and they jump right into the box.

When the kits eyes are open, or they try climbing out of the box, they go out permanently.
So sorry Cinnabuns. But you have found a great place to get help, advice and ideas, so welcome!

I second Sky, maybe bring them in for a bit.

*fingers crossed for the rest of your kits*
Sorry for your losses, Cinnabuns. :(

Glad to have you join us at RabbitTalk. :welcome: Since so many rabbit questions are dependent on climate, would you please add your state or province to your profile. No need for an exact location, but it helps to know approximately where you are located.
Its worth the trouble of bringing them in especially if you want to save the litter. I just lost my first litter of American Blues, they were beautiful!, first time mom did everything right, good nest, well fed, somehow there was some moisture in the box lost the whole litter in one night, it was 42 F outside that night. my first thought was to bring them in, her being a first timer and all. but no I assured myself it would be alright. I am going with my gut from now on. I was very upset. congrats on your litter, sorry about the 2 I hope all is well with those remaining in the litter.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! I have been reading you posts for a week or so but I decided to join after my issues on Friday. I appreciate the advice. We have been bringing them inside and just taking them out for feedings. I was worried cause I had never tried this before, but the mother is doing well with it so far and the kits are staying nice and cozy warm. :)
I keep them outside with their mom UNLESS I have a litter of wee wee littles or less than three. My polish have kits that are so tiny that less then four they come inside. Hollands and Meat buns..the kits stay outside unless the litter is VERY small (three or less).. but then I'm usually fostering.

Do I get winter losses? YUP.

Does it bug me? YUP.

Will it make me change my policy? NOPE.

I want does and kits that will do their jobs to the best of their ability.

Lost almost a whole litter this winter with hoppy kits. Refused to stay in the nestbox and were all over the place ALL the time. Saved one because I put it in with a bunch of VERY snuggly meat kits and a doe that is DETERMINED her kits stay put. She kept chasing it back to the box so it managed to stay warm enough to live.
A brick placed against the low end of the nest box helps a great deal when the kits start popping out of the nest too soon. At least is gives them a good chance of getting back in before they get chilled.
this I know Maggie...the brick trick, the putting the box on it's side, but the buck produces kits are just "BOUNCE" they will not stick together. I'm growing out one of his quietest sons in the hopes that HIS offspring will inherit mom's quieter personality.... cause these kits produced are just crazy berries. It's fine in the summer...but when the weather is bitter SNUGGLE BABIES SNUGGLE!
I also bring my nest boxes in ... and I still almost lost a litter of 7, then one rescued the next day, then another that I couldn't revive the third day ... this doe is getting too aggitated by me and dragging her kits out of the nest box when I walk by :(