Neatherland dwarfs?

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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Ok here is the deal i bred my Netherland dwarf doe to my neatherland dwarf buck but while waiting for her to rise i put her in a cage between both my mini rex and neatherland dwarf bucks. So i think she might have did a late night meetup though the cage wires with my mini rex buck. The reason is her kits are 3 weeks old and there ear look big for a dwarf unless they need time to grow into there ears. Im sending this pics for you all to look at i know not the best but what do you think?? Do neatherland dwarfs come in broken color?


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What do the parents look like and are they both pure Netherland Dwarfs? I'm asking because you don't always get what you see in the parents because they do have genes that they carry and produce but don't show, as well as the fact they may be non dwarf dwarfs (if that makes sense) some small rabbits don't always get a dwarf gene so they tend to go oversized. Which you can tell by ear size in young kits.

A regular dwarf rabbit has 1 dwarf gene one regular gene
an oversized dwarf has no dwarf gene and 2 regular genes
a peanut has 2 dwarf genes.
Ok i see what your talking about. Im going to keep one of the broken blacks to breed so i guess as she gets older i could tell better. Both parents are very small and probably weigh 2 pounds at the most. Here is a pic of dad there solid black so i have a hard time getting pics but they look the same.


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I bred two Netherland Dwarfs together both had tiny tiny ears and giant heads and all the babies had big ears and tiny heads. It can be frustrating especially when you try and breed for show.
What the really weird thing is both mom and dad are black mom has a little white on the tip of her front toes. And i got 2 broken blacks and 1 rew with a gray nose were did the white one come from she looks out of place in that litter.
The only way to get brokens is if one of the parents is broken, two selfs (solid colour) don't make broken pattern.They both also carry REW if that is a littermate in the back! If mom has white toes then she is a very heavy- paterned broken, sometimes called booted.Full colour is dominant to the white, that baby got 2 cc genes. her parents would be Cc. Now the nose pattern says she may be himi which is one step above REW in dominance.