in the past eight months I'd sold two kits and one junior doe that when they go to their new homes have gotten a weepy eye. It last for no more than one week and then clears up.
Now... what I've done here is to try to replicate it in siblings.
Moving kits to another location. Doing shavings in a plastic bottomed cage. Taking kits on car rides and then plunking them down somewhere other than their own cage.
To no avail.
I get no weepy eyes.
So I'm confounded as to what causes this.
To me a weepy eye is a sign of pasteurella. But I can't replicate it. I don't see it here.
So how do I figure this out?
Is there something else that can cause weepy eye?
The owners tell me
1. nothing in the eye.
2. no dust, no spots no.. nothing.
Just a weepy eye and when I do follow up (after giving advice about using a warm tea bag compress etc) they say the eye has cleared up.
Any thoughts from you knowledgeable folks out there?
NOW.. ALL these kits came off the buck that I culled since a number of his kits would have nestbox eye (took me a while to clue into that one) whereas my other buck I didn't get that issue. So I'm not sure if perhaps it's a poor immune system responding to stress?
Now... what I've done here is to try to replicate it in siblings.
Moving kits to another location. Doing shavings in a plastic bottomed cage. Taking kits on car rides and then plunking them down somewhere other than their own cage.
To no avail.
I get no weepy eyes.
So I'm confounded as to what causes this.
To me a weepy eye is a sign of pasteurella. But I can't replicate it. I don't see it here.
So how do I figure this out?
Is there something else that can cause weepy eye?
The owners tell me
1. nothing in the eye.
2. no dust, no spots no.. nothing.
Just a weepy eye and when I do follow up (after giving advice about using a warm tea bag compress etc) they say the eye has cleared up.
Any thoughts from you knowledgeable folks out there?
NOW.. ALL these kits came off the buck that I culled since a number of his kits would have nestbox eye (took me a while to clue into that one) whereas my other buck I didn't get that issue. So I'm not sure if perhaps it's a poor immune system responding to stress?