My sister.....

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
went and done it.

Found four baby cottontails in a nest.

Brought them to a family gathering with the plans that I would "do something" with them. (I had zero problems with that, to me they are dog food bunnies).
BUT she brought them to a family gathering where my niece (very soft-hearted lass) was at and then TOLD HER ABOUT THEM!!!

I've now fostered four young cottontails until Monday (when she goes home again) with two separate does. I don't do tears well, I just really really don't.....

Some people just don't understand that wild babies are best left alone. I hope you use this opportunity to educate both her and your niece. Gently, of course, so as not to bruise those soft hearts.
well... my sister wanted them gone as they are overrun with cottontails. She fully expected me to turn them into dog food. It's my niece who was the issue, and she's going home in a couple of days and will forget about them. Once she's gone, so will the cottontails be.
Just curious, if you have them fostered, will they nurse and grow like your other kits? I"m not advocating saving them, just interested if they would survive and grow in the cages like the other bunnies. I know the temperment is different and I guess there are reasons why we don't raise cottontails in captivity.
i've heard of people doing it before. And this morning they did look fed. they have their eyes open and they are mobile so I'm not too worried about them. Just appeasing the relations until they are gone again.
it's fascinating.

Two kits left, just to keep nn easter busy with something as I've put all the kits on the Loppy.

eating grass at two-three weeks, very skittish, not a normal type of "rabbit" in any way. They've grown up quite quickly as when I got them they were acting like babies who just opened their eyes (and my sister said that they had opened their eyes Friday) and now they are skittering about everywhere quite determinedly.

I just find it fascinating how different they in, even though they look quite similar to what I consider normal rabbits.
a friend's cat found one (a wild cottontail)and she is hand raising it in her kitchen. the favorite food is canned corn kernels, apples and pears, and only red lettuce, won't eat green lettuce.