Is there anything I could give them?
__________ Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:58 pm __________
I was also reading around and I found a couple things it could I thought I could discribe it
it is tiny little balls stuck in a pile, It is its normal brown. She does have hay and water. she dropped 5 of them today.
anyone know what it could be?
and should I try this? I found it online
First of all, I mixed up a cup of rehydrating fluid. I put about 4 ounces of clean water in a cup and added a teaspoon of sugar, one eighth a teaspoon of salt and one quarter teaspoon of baking soda. I then tipped her onto her back, and fed her this liquid with a syringe. I tried to get her to take some every hour and, slowly, she began to drink more of it.
After about eight hours of her still continuing to take the liquid, I slowly added some food to her diet. I made up a mixture that would hopefully stop the diarrhea. Rice and bananas are very good for this as rice dries up the diarrhea and banana adds potassium, which animals need when they're sick as they lose potassium through watery feces. So, I mixed up a mixture of cooked rice, rabbit pellets and some banana and fed her a little bit a couple of times an hour. She liked the mixture and would take at least a quarter teaspoon every time. It was laborious work, but at least she was eating.