My Flemish Giants are only lasting 3 yrs PLEASE HELP..

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Jan 11, 2013
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Hello I am New here (not new to raising rabbits)
I have Flemish giants & they seem to pass every 3 yrs.
They have labored breathing and are lathargic, by the time i take to the vet
they pass that night..This happened to the last two buns
I am not a breeder, just pets..
When they die I hurt so bad cause i LOVE THEM SO MUCH..
Do i switch breeders? is this something i need to get use to?
My buns are kept in the back yard in cages,buns are always paired..
Please help, i dont want to get another bun Till i know whats going on & i can deal with there passing mentally ,(it screws me up for awhile )

Thank you All for your advice & support

DANK":2lubskpa said:
Hello I am New here (not new to raising rabbits)
I have Flemish giants & they seem to pass every 3 yrs.
They have labored breathing and are lathargic, by the time i take to the vet
they pass that night..This happened to the last two buns
I am not a breeder, just pets..
When they die I hurt so bad cause i LOVE THEM SO MUCH..
Do i switch breeders? is this something i need to get use to?
My buns are kept in the back yard in cages,buns are always paired..
Please help, i dont want to get another bun Till i know whats going on & i can deal with there passing mentally ,(it screws me up for awhile )

Thank you All for your advice & support


First of all, I am sorry that you are experiencing this...It must be heartbreaking. What does the Vet say? Does he/she have any idea what is causing it? Have all the rabbits come from the same breeder? Are others having this same issue with that breeder's rabbits? It almost sounds heart related to me...
I am so sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to me. Both mine lived a year or less. I don't know if this advice will help but in my experience (and those of friends of mine) flemish giants, at least in this area, are not known for longevity. A new breed might be better for you when you feel up to getting a new bunny. Just one example I can think of was a Dutch doe that was 12 years old.
It may be just like in dogs, the larger breeds don't live as long as smaller breeds.
Hope this helps.
Thank you everyone for the WARM welcome
They come from the same breader (nice facility,clean)
I feed rabbits hey & pellets
As for another breed. I like the big faces..cant abandon the huge bunnies
So the consensus is the fat ones dont last long, but three years is a little short

Thank you everyone please keep the advice comming

Hi Dank!


I am sorry to hear of your losses. :( Have you spoken to the breeder to see how long their breeding animals live?

I agree with OneAcreFarm that it sounds like it may be their hearts.

If you have another Flemmie and it shows the same symptoms prior to death, I would recommend having the Vet do a necropsy to determine the problem.

There are other large breed rabbits that you might consider. I recently acquired a pair of Beverens, and they are lovely sweet rabbits.

Here are some pictures of my doe Cedar:

Cedar is gorgeous! :) I'll have to check around and see if Beverens are available here!
OneAcreFarm":1ozq7vbc said: HAD to post those pics.....I see Beverens in my future!

You'll have to grab a couple this year! Now... what breed shall I demand in trade? :hmm: Perhaps some American Blues... :popcorn:

amybart4570":1ozq7vbc said:
Cedar is gorgeous! :) I'll have to check around and see if Beverens are available here!

Thanks! I just love her, and she was a "happy accident"- you can read the full story here:


Apparently they are quite rare. They are on the "Watch" list of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy.
Man I love that Beveren, I would give it kisses day & night :)
That huge Dulap
I WANT ONE,,are they rare?
How are they diffrent than flemish giants?

DANK":3vkugi2x said:
Man I love that Beveren, I would give it kisses day & night :)
That huge Dulap
I WANT ONE,,are they rare?
How are they diffrent than flemish giants?


Lol! They are pretty rabbits, aren't they? They are quite rare, but are a wonderful breed. :)

They don't get as large as Flemish- does are between 9 and 12lbs, and bucks are 8 to 11lbs. They come in blue, black and BEW (blue eyed white) in accepted colors, and chocolates are used in breeding programs but cannot be exhibited.

Your profile says "Bay Area"- are you near San Fransisco? There is a breeder in Manteca- she is the breeder of Cedar, in fact. :)

There is another breeder listing from No. Cal on the Beveren Club website:
I know Bari
I thought She was Shying away from Flemish Giants
I am in Fremont,60 mile south of San Fran.
Love my Flemish. His Father is 10 plus years and his Mom is close to 10 years old also. I would definitely go to another breeder and ask questions on how old their breeding pair are. I have heard that some lines are short lived. I don't know if this is for the meat side or what. But I went Show/Pet stock and they are very hardy. I don't know where you can get a line like that on the West Coast. Unless you want to ship from the East Coast.

Know what you mean by heartache on losing these fantastic rabbits. Truly "Gentle Giants" with BIG hearts. I'm truly in love with my Flemish. Love his BIG face too. And he does give lots of affection as well. Loves the attention and thrives on it.

Or french lop??

13.04lbs at 8months old :)

10.8lbs at 11months old

not as big, but they got those cute floppy ears and chubby cuddly bodies!!
OH! I love your French Lops! In the 80s I had 31 of them. They were my first breed. What color do you call the 8 mo doe? I've never seen one that color pattern before in french lops! I miss them, recently got a new buck. He's now a pet, from a show home, owner decided not to keep him for show. He's great, so sweet! :)
She is a tri-color :) Their a newer color and just trying to get them more typy right now. i looove tris so i haaad to have her. rebeccas rabbitry bred them