Growing from a single leaf takes forever, though, and can result in sports, not actual clones.
Yes, I put my cuttings directly in the soil. Occasionally will use root-stim if I have some, but 99 times out of 100 I simply stick them in the dirt straight away. There are tons of things you're supposed to let scab over first, but I never do. I have more luck doing the cuttings directly than letting them scab over.
All my plants go outside over summer(it's dangerous, I usually end up adding a bunch, then not having enough window space for them all!!). This is the 2nd time I've taken cuttings off this specific plant - there's never usually places to take cuttings without making the plant look like garbage. I probably got a bit enthusiastic this time - as MSD points out, you can see where the cuttings came from.