My Doe Mysteriously Got Pregnant???

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Bandits Bunny Farm

Well-known member
Jun 19, 2014
Reaction score
Los Banos, California
So, yesterday, I noticed that my broken chocolate Mini Rex doe was kind of big, her teats were protruded, and she was growling at me (which she has NEVER growled at me before) so I palpated her, and she's pregnant. She shares a hitch with two Mini Lop mix does (she loves having them. Before I put them in she was lonely) and I thought "maybe one of them is actually a boy!" So I looked and they're both still does. All of my bucks are up high, and yet she's pregnant...... And she is for sure pregnant. I felt 2 or 3 grape sized objects inside her...... This is weird
How old are the two other does? I couldn't tell that my buck was a buck until after he was 6 months old. :/ Other than that.... I wouldn't consider her ' for sure' pregnant until she pops out kits.
I've heard of rabbits breeding through the wire? But she definitely had a visit from a buck some how!
Both does are 8 months old. They are both does. Everybody has access to the hutches, but nobody transferred rabbits. I just hope I'm lucky enough to wind up with purebreds again. Last time she got pregnant she was out (I let her out) and my Mini Rex buck got out. He only had enough time to mount once, but I got 4 kits a month later... This time, I can only hope. If they turn out to be pures, great! If not, it's either one of my mini lop bucks or my rex..... But I haven't had any of my bucks out lately.... Weird
Bandits Bunny Farm":1x6q8p47 said:
it's either one of my mini lop bucks or my rex.....

If it happens to be the Rex buck, you may never be able to tell. There may be no size differences or shape, depending on how your doe is set up and how the Rex buck is set up type/fur wise. Only way to know for sure is if the Rex is a color that can only produce x colors and you know the MR buck can only produce y colors :/
I've had her since August 2013. If it was my Rex I'd get castors. If it's my mini Rex I'd get otters. If it's my younger Mini Lop then I'll get broken chocolates, crap. I'd get chocolates from both mini lops... Crap
Maybe it was Moe.... :mrgreen: <br /><br /> -- Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:11 pm -- <br /><br /> Any progress on The Virgin Doe?
No babies..... Maybe a phantom pregnancy or something. There is a possibility though, that I may wind up with 2 mini lip mix litters and a mini rex/mini lop mix litter next month. Her and her girls (adopted. Her roommates) got out with one of my mini lop bucks this morning
Bandits Bunny Farm":3tm4p2ka said:
There is a possibility though, that I may wind up with 2 mini lip mix litters and a mini rex/mini lop mix litter next month. Her and her girls (adopted. Her roommates) got out with one of my mini lop bucks this morning

Sounds like you need to tighten security around there so you can be the one who decides who gets to have popples with who. ;)

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