My doe has little wounds! Please help!

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New member
Aug 31, 2013
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San Juan Islands
Hi Everyone,

I hope somebody can help me! It's Labor Day weekend and I live on an island. My rabbit can't get into see a vet until Tuesday. I'm really worried about her. Yesterday I noticed she had what appeared to be some sort of round, open flesh wound on her foreleg. I gave her some colloidal silver because I didn't know what else to do. This morning she has another on the same leg and the beginnings of still another on her other leg!!!!! I am extremely concerned. Have any of you ever seen anything else like this? I am having a really difficult time keeping her still to disinfect these areas as she is very protective. She tries to bite and growls and scratches. I haven't been able to keep her in a towel or blanket to keep her still. Any advice would be appreciated!!!!!!!!!! :(
Insect bites, perhaps, that she has chewed at because they are itchy/painful? I'd bring her indoors where you can keep a good eye on her.

The lawn weed plantain (Plantago major) is excellent for wounds. It grows nearly everywhere. If you can find some, pound or pulverize the leaves and apply to the wounds. Great for wounds, nettle stings and various other things. Best part? Totally harmless and a good food for bunnies too.
I can't post any pix unfortunately. No cell phone or camera right now. Maggie thanks, I wonder if they are bites? She's an indoor bunny but we have had a dog here in the recent past. Fleas? I haven't seen any plantain growing recently but I'll remember that for the future. Another problem is that she eats everything off the wounds. I might need to get a cone for her.
I am not familiar with the flora of the San Juan Islands, but I did a google search for San Juan Islands Plantago Major and it appears you do have it. You may want to do the same and try to locate some. It is a very common weed over almost all of North America. ... Order=DESC

Sorry, I have nothing else to offer... but if I get any ideas I will post again.
If you can get Nu-Stock, it's not likely she would eat that off. It's relatively inexpensive and made of sulphur and pine oil... some people find it obnoxious, but I like the smell of pine oil.

Only thing is... it could be a bit messy for a house rabbit. It really doesn't dry.

Any possibility of a rat getting inside?