My broken Orange doe

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Normally they do pull belly hair to make a soft area for the kits and to keep them warm but some don't. With only 3 you need to make sure they are warm enough.
if she is outside, you'll want the fur to keep em warm. You could use dryer lint or various other things to substitute. if she's warm inside it's no biggie. it could take a few litters for her to figure it all out. She may still pull fur.
She and they are outside. It has been really warm here...80 in the day and 60 at night but it is suppose to turn cold tomorrow. This morning the babies were ---two under a pile of hay snuggly warm and one just exposed but still warm. We put all three into the next box snuggly together and covered with hay. Then we pulled some cotton off a roll of cotton and put bits of it into the nest box figuring that it might make momma think. Or if she didn't like it she would remove it. Tonight all three kits were burried under hay in the nest box with a nice white cotton blanket laying over them. I guess she liked the cotton. All kits seem fine and fed and momma's seem to be doing just fine too. We can add more cotton if it gets cold tomorrow and momma doesn't pull some hair. We'll keep an eye on the weather and the temperature in the nest boxes.

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