My big girl Sasha

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
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Just wanted to show off my big ol English doe. She is the heaviest doe I have, built like a brick under all that hair. Its a shame she would have done well in the show ring if she didn't have 2 white toenails. She was bred on the 8th to my smoke pearl buck. I am hoping for lots of beautiful babies from this litter!

Here is the buck she was bred to, Lucky. <3
Ugh, so not fair... Was talking to my mum about wanting an angora rabbit, because they're so freaking cute, and she said I could probably trade the hair to a local farmer for hay... Now I want one even more... the hair on their ears gets me every time.
Lol, just showed the bunnies to two of my kids- they like Lucky the best. Queenpup says they look like little sheep with their dark faces!

Thanks! Lucky is my favorite too. That was a baby picture he has matured more now, he has much longer furnishings on his ears and face. His body has been trimmed though, he is growing out again. I had to trim him during the heat wave because he had the longest and thickest hair and I didn't think he would make it. He is my smallest angora and Sasha is my biggest so it was kind of funny watching them breed but he got the job done twice. I hope she took!<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:36 pm __________<br /><br />lol I had to share, this is Sasha's full brother. He has been winning on the table and is now a grand champion. His bangs are so long you can't see his face. lol! I really wasn't able to keep mine in full coats during the heat wave, it wouldn't have been fair to them.
I like being able to see their little faces... do you use hair ties or rubber bands to tie the hair up like they do with Maltese and other dogs with long hair?

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