Most Humane Way to Dispatch?

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Aug 21, 2024
Reaction score
Modesto, Illinois, USA
Currently, I am dispatching rabbits at around 3 months by the "bopping" method, and I feel it could be more humane than that. My father was saying large tree clippers might work for a more humane "guillotine" style dispatch.
Does anyone have better ideas than bopping? Preferably, it should be something that doesn't cost money at the moment but is quick for the buns.
Broomstick for cervical dislocation. Idiotproof, cheap and tool is light but sturdy. Note just the (broom)stick, no broom or other implement attached. There are chokechains and such on the cervical dislocation method of dispatch, but they require a solid attachment option and i don't have one or can put one in a private location away from the buns. Using the broomstick just requires a solid floor like a tiled bathroom.

Decapitation requires a lot more strength to be fast and practicing such on living animals just won't do. Same reason why i don't hit them with something, if i started this at 10-12 years old i'd have the dexterity needed, but i came to this stuff in my 40ies so broomstick it is.
I second the broomstick method, though I find a short piece of rebar to be way sturdier and have more grip on the neck. I don't want to risk an old broomstick breaking in half mid dispatching 😱