Molting and Pineapple

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Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
Kansas City
I have a buck that's molting - seems like for the past month. Today I notice that he's not eating his pellets. Still eating hay and drinking water. Swept up his droppings this morning before I noticed. I'm thinking he may be getting a hair block.

How long does this molting thing last? I've brushed him out twice - looks like he's about half-way done. My other bucks haven't gone through this.

I've got stuck in my mind that I read somewhere to give pineapple for hair block. Thought I'd give him some just in case that's what's wrong.

Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.
Can you tell me how you know he's molting. I have my friend's neutered Buck and he is getting thin spots on his hind end and up his spine and looks like he had dandruff really bad. He was losing fur like crazy, but that has slowed down.<br /><br />__________ Thu Jul 25, 2013 9:56 pm __________<br /><br />BTW, I can't swear to it, but it seems like I read the same thing about pineapple.
I had thought of mites, but it didn't really look like the pics. I thought it might be ant bites, actually, because she feeds pet rabbit food full of sweet stuff that attracts ants. Hers is a pet rabbit and she usually takes him to the vet for boarding, but she is moving so I have him for a little while. I'll see if she has anything for mites in her bag of tricks. She literally brought a large trash can full of stuff for this rabbit. If she doesn't, will DE work or should I tell her to go buy something. She's back and forth between towns, so she comes out to take care of him.

Thnx though, I don't want to hijack a thread.
I feed papaya enzyme tablets to my Lionheads to prevent wool block. Also lots of hay. Pineapple does work as well. Adolph's Meat Tenderizer is supposed to help too. Banana with the peel on. Fresh papaya also helps.
Not sure how to describe it and it doesn't show well in photos. Basically, his long hair is falling out and is replaced by shorter hair. No bald spots. Started on his back and slowly working down his sides and rear. Kinda like our calves and horses when they lose their winter coat. There's a clear line of "departure" and the old hair comes out freely.

Anyway, I've got some canned pineapple so will be giving some to him in a few minutes.
Just throwing in my experience, SH- my buns won't eat fresh pineapple, but they fight over dried.

And that definitely sounds like a molt.
Guess I'm gonna have to try dried - he just sniffed at the fresh (canned) stuff. He did take some of an apple slice so he's eating a little - just not normal. I think I'm gonna go out and get a bag of Timothy Hay, too. It'll be a step up from the hay he usually gets and maybe he'll eat more of that. Thanks!!