Mini Lops vs Holland Lops - benefits? drawbacks?

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2015
Reaction score
Beckley, WV
It seems that Mini Lops, in general, are far less popular than Hollands. I'm wondering why?
Is it really just the size difference? People want 'smaller rabbits'? I mean, in my PERSONAL opinion, MLs are 'just right', but I can understand wanting more space efficient rabbits.

I'm wondering, are there a higher incidence of genetic disorders with Hollands? It would seem that might be the case since they've been sized down as much as possible. Do they have dwarf genes (ie: end up with 'peanuts' in the litters?) Are they more prone to malocclusion?

Do Hollands come in the different coat varieties that you can find in MLs, such as Plush? Someone on here told me that my buck's coat appears to be the wrong type of coat on an ML, but I have to say that I love his coat. It's so fluffy and soft and he passed it along to his kits, but I'm also very drawn toward the Plush Lops and I guess you can't have both...

I'm still very interested in doing some small scale breeding, but now I'm really wondering what direction to go in. If Hollands would sell so much better than MLs, but not be prone to any more genetic issues than MLs, it seems like a 'no brainer'.

So much to think about (but hey, the planning is half the fun, right?)
I don't have anything to necessarily add, but we love our Hollands! I think I do feel better for caging a smaller animal, as it seems they can get more excercise with the same space as bigger rabbits. But I was offered a mini lop Buck and almost had him too:). It might just be in your area, and I'm not sure about ours as I'm still scoping out the market.....
Mini Lops are definitely less popular (I'm the only breeder within 100 miles of where I live), but they're the best.... Generally are SUPER laid back and snugly..... Best for families. I don't have any experience with Hollands though
Hollands do have fewer showable colours than MLops but I'm pretty sure it is mainly a size issue.

People read that Hollands are the smallest lop rabbit and don't realize that not ALL Hollands will be in the 3 to 4 pound range and that 6 pound BUD's and BUB's are not unheard of :mrgreen:

I like Hollands but I am not a fan of their apple shaped head, body shape/posed position (but I'm not a fan of many show quality MLops either :) ) and believe that breeding for this form contributes to some of their health issues like birthing difficulties, pinched hips and malocclusions

And of course they have the dwarf gene and breeding two true dwarfs results in 25% peanuts who die :( and 25% false dwarfs (BUD's and BUB's) who are almost always un-showable :(
Go with your passion, not what is most "marketable". Your enthusiasm for your "product" is what will make it sell. :)

Since your intent is to only breed on a small scale anyway, I don't see you getting overwhelmed with a bunch of unsold rabbits... but if you do, mini Lops are at least a good size to butcher and eat. :twisted: You could eat a Holland, too, of course- but too much work for too small of a return, in my opinion.
I met be a bit biased but I love my lops. Around me they seem to be far mor popular than the Hollands and were the biggest breed at our County Fair. I do not know about Hollands but my biggest issue with the Mini Lops is that they are prone to obesity. You gotta watch their weight.
That's great :D So, now I have no concern with MLs :) I just adore the personality.
:up: :up:

Any thoughts on crossing Plush lines? I understand they're related to Rex genetics... not sure what that would do with a rabbit that has a fluffy coat (like my boy), seems to come from angora maybe? But it's not a huge poofy coat that needs a lot of care. I don't know if I would get some of each type of coat, or something strange in between... not sure how the Rex genes work. My boy's coat seems to be dominant. I don't think his kits are quite as fluffy as he is, but they may end up that way as they grow out.

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