Mid west breeding time??

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2012
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I am in N. Illinois and wondered what might be the earliest time, to breed a rabbit in the spring, and have a successful litter??

The rabbits are outside in hutchs that are covered on about 3 1/2 sides with plastic.

I was thinking of maybe mid Feb. But would like to hear any opinions!!

Thanks, Lowell
We have several members in the far north that have litters in sub zero temperatures. It really depends upon your does. If they make good nests, pull a lot of fur, and have good sized litters, the kits should be fine.

Another option is to bring the nests into the house and only bring them out twice daily for the does to feed until the kits are 7-10 days old.
Well, if I were worried about kits freezing, I'd probably breed so that my does kindled around the typical "last frost date" for your area. I would figure the worst of the weather would be over by then and they'd be a bit "safer".

Although with this wacky weather we've been having ... :shrug:

Or follow the advice of MSD! LOL :)
About now till may and then Aug to nov. You skip the hottest weather in july and aug and the coldest in jan and feb then. You can try to breed in aug for cct but bucks tend to go heat sterile through aug. Some go sterile through oct.
Rather than take the nest box out to the doe to feed the kits, I bring mom, kits and all into my pantry. I was worried about the kits getting chilled on the trip out to the bunny shed. Since I raise angoras, the kits bet plenty of human attention and mom feeds more than 2X a day. It's working out really well for me.
Breeding one doe today...will see how mid March is for the babies!!
I am in Southern Ontario (70 miles north west of Buffalo NY) and my AmChin does breed all year long and live in a barn that is kept just above freezing to keep their water from forming ice, and I have yet to have kits die of the cold.

I do however pull the nest box and let them feed twice a day once the kits start roaming around (after 10 days old) so they dont accidentally crawl out and get lost, I do this in the summer as well. But I only need to for 5 days, by then they are agile enough to climb back in without a problem.
I pull my nest boxes until the kits are old enough to see. I only pull them at night, or seriously bad weather in the daytime.
My doe had her litter March 20....it was 10 degrees that night and 12 the next night. It is a little warmer now but still freezes every night so far. Have not looked at the babies but feel them every day and they seem warm and seem to be doing fine.

Not the weather I expected for the first day of spring!!! ....last year we had hit 80 degrees... if I heard correctly on the waether!!
Good for you! I've got two does due today - and we just got hit with another 8 inches of snow last night. Good thing is that the temps are staying in the 20's which the rabbits easily take in stride. Hope things continue to go well for you and your litter.

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