Michigan State University Show 2011 - Results

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
Leslie, Michigan
Whew! Two days, three shows, it was fun but I'm tired! Besides showing, I also aquired a Flemish doe and two crossbred baby does for my colony, plus added two Harlequins to the show herd - both lilac magpies, a buck and a doe. I met some Belgian Hares (my 2nd favorite breed to Checkered Giants) and think I see a new breed in my future. Again. Until I see something else I like :)

Also sold two Havanas plus found Cinnabun a home with many other Cinnamons. Still four more Havanas to sell. Here's my results!

Show "A":
Ophelia - black Havana jr doe - 2nd
Amelia - black Havana jr doe - 4th
Jackhead (a very rude bunny) - golden Palomino jr buck - Best of Breed
Mamacita - golden Palomino sr doe - Best Opposite Sex of Breed
Cinnabun - Cinnamon sr doe - 1st of 2
Samson - American Chinchilla jr buck - Best of Breed

Show "C" (ran out of $$ for show "B"):
Jackhead - Best of Breed
Mamacita - Best Opposite Sex of Breed
Oliver - golden Palomino jr buck - 2nd (lost to Jackhead)
Cinnabun - 1st
Samson - Best of Breed
Congratulations, Cait!

I haven't shown any rabbits yet, just dogs in the past, but I am looking forward to giving it a try. Sounds like you did quite well! Jackhead must know he's "all that", hence the attitude! :)